In addition to explaining the needs to be resolved at the beginning of the new legislature (not valuing Basque less than other languages, removing the obligation to place the PAI programme at the centres of Model D, implementing a single list in education and guaranteeing the right of Basque workers to other jobs), the Council Head explained the roadmap for the new language policy.
“Our contribution contains fifteen concrete proposals, and within each proposal we have tried to put in place concrete measures. In fact, in the Government they will have no choice but to decide when they will implement these measures in the next legislature,” explained the representative of the Council.
As for the legal corpus, in addition to the new law, the Governing Council also called for the renewal of the Euskaldunization Decree of the administration, since the recently approved does not impose needs on the institutions, so the guarantee of citizens' rights is based on will.
As far as speakers are concerned, the Council’s proposal also takes account of the need for a model for the creation of multilingual Euskaldunes and the free provision of adult Euskaldunisation.
In addition to the speakers, the policy of the next legislature should take into account the spaces and tools that allow living in Basque: socioeconomic environment, culture, digital environment, media, leisure… “We have tried to make a comprehensive proposal to give a comprehensive response to the citizenship that wants to live in Basque,” said Bilbao.
After all the measures had been put forward, the Council spokesman called on the collaboration: “In the legislature the Council has acted responsibly with the government, because we too felt part of the change. We intend to have the same responsibility in the future, but we call on political parties to act responsibly,” he said.