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The need for resources and agents to provide a coordinated response to chemsex in Navarra

  • Organized by the Sare Association, in Pamplona a conference has been organized to talk about the sociocultural phenomenon of chemsex.
Irudian, jardunaldien iazko edizioa. Iban Aguinaga

11 October 2024 - 07:00

Chemsex is a sociocultural phenomenon consisting of the use of drugs – substances – to have sex for several hours or days. It is given within a cultural context and a concrete community and there are a number of codes that allow mutual understanding among users. It is, above all, about sexual relations between men. Leticia Remón Serrat of the Sare Association explained that this is a “very invisible” phenomenon and “with a great stigma”. That is why they have organised talks on the subject, on 28 October, from 9:00 to 14:30 hours, in Civican de Pamplona.

The conference is aimed at any interested person and the registration can be made by email or by telephone 948384149 or 685670130. However, they want to pay particular attention to social and health professionals: “Some doctors know what chemsex is, but others don’t. For this reason, it is important that primary care personnel be especially sensitive, listened to and act without a sentence”.

The issue can be addressed from multiple angles, such as mental health, sexual diversity, masculinities, care and motivations. “The aim of the conference is to work the resources and key actors to provide a coordinated response to chemsex in Navarra,” he said. To this end, they have invited members of the Chemsex Suport service in Barcelona and the NGO Stop, among others: “We want to know your experience because it has been very nice. It’s very important that colleagues who have had good practices and experiences are a source of inspiration.” In fact, although each territory has local needs, the things that are being worked on in other territories can help and can serve to work together.

“Chemsex, in itself, is not a problematic practice, but it can influence emotional, emotional, work and relationships health. In addition, depending on personal vulnerability, it can activate some pathologies,” he explained. It is therefore a question of building a coordinated network between all actors working with chemsex users.

The conference will involve professionals and users of chemsex who not only want to look or focus on users: “It’s also important for professionals to look inside and analyze how we are in relation to drugs, sex and other things. You need to have a look without judgment, otherwise you will not be able to create a comfortable space of trust.”

It is important that primary care staff be sensitive, listened to and act without a sentence on the subject.

Along the way of last year

This is not the first time that the issue has been raised, the days have already been organized last year (we have it in ARGIA). Last year's objective was to make chemsex visible and analyze its possible influence on the health of Navarra. The physician Carlos Ibero and the infectious diseases specialist of the Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra found that between 20 and 30% of the new cases of AIDS that arrived at the hospital were chemsex users.

Although this practice has been widespread in Navarre for more than a decade, it is currently considered "very unknown". That is why, last year, together with the Ehgam Navarre Association and the Fenix Association, a survey was carried out on the situation in Navarre. A total of 67 men participated: "They seem to be few, but it's not easy to reach people. We concluded that, despite some particularities, the results are similar compared to other territories".

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