The key to the adoption of laws in parliamentary democracies lies in the relationship of strength between the parties represented in the plenary. In this sense, it is clear that the puzzle of the next legislature in Navarre closely resembles the previous one: on the one hand, PSN, Geroa Bai and Safe-With You; on the other hand, UPN, PP and Vox; and among them, EH Bildu, maintaining the role of greening those pieces that do not match.
But, in the process of law flourishing, the right has much to say in the light of the results of the votes of the new committees set up. In fact, he got the majority at the table of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Finance, for a disagreement between EH Bildu and PSN.
In exchange for allowing majorities of progressive parties to be allowed at the bureaux of the other committees, EH Bildu urged the government to acquire one of the three seats running the Committee on Economy and Finance, but the PSN refused. Accordingly, it will be directed by Isabel Aranburu de Geroa Bai, UPN Deputy Director, Juan Luis Sánchez de Muniain, and PP Secretary, Irene Royo. UPN has also obtained the addresses of the health, education, industry and social rights committees.
Powers of the Commission Bureau
But what does the acquisition of the committee bureau mean? In practice, it does not directly affect laws. Yes, in its deadlines and debates. In other words, you will have the final word to the right about the economic debates that will be taken to the parliamentary chamber.
Particularly significant in terms of budgets, because UPN and PP can decide to delay the deadlines as much as possible, putting pressure on the government and hampering the actions envisaged in the political programme.
It should be noted that the committees serve to analyse and concretize the issues that will subsequently be discussed and voted on in plenary. They consist of fourteen parliamentarians, proportionally maintaining the general distribution of seats in the Foral Parliament: UPN four, PSN three, EH Bildu dos, Geroa Bai dos, PP one, Sozialistak-Zurekin one and Vox one. It is the members of the Commission themselves who, with the vote of a single candidate, appoint the Director, Deputy Director and Secretary to sit at the Bureau.
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