In total there will be 37 places, of which 30 will be for Navarre and seven for other autonomous communities. There will also be musical performances, workshops, exhibitions, a gastronomic space and a program aimed at the youngest. The fair will open on Friday 13 afternoon, Saturday will be open all day and Sunday at noon.
A large gastronomic space from the Pamplona Station will allow you to enjoy dishes and beverages made with organic food products from Navarra. The trade fair promotes direct sales and offers the possibility to get to know the producers first hand. It emphasizes the importance of the consumption of fresh, seasonal, processed and certified food, and aims to raise awareness of these areas.
Date with Elena Corrales
The program will begin on Thursday, September 12, at 18:30 a.m., with a talk from biologist and nutritionist Elena Corrales. With over 40 years of experience, he will offer a talk about the importance of eating organic foods in maintaining and restoring health.
On the weekend, however, many events will be held in Noáin, which can be consulted via the website of the Navarra Organic Agricultural Production Council NNPEK.
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.
Ibon galdezka etorri zait webguneko kontsultategira. Uda aurre horretan artoa (Zea mays) eta baba gorria (Phaseolus vulgaris) erein nahi ditu. “Arto” hitza grekotik dator eta oinarrizko jakia esan nahi du, artoa = ogia; arto edo panizo edo mileka... [+]