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They call on the Government of Navarra to investigate torture

  • Saturday is the International Day for the Protection of Torture. The Network of Torturados de Navarra took the opportunity to organise an event before the country’s parliament. The members of the network first called for the recognition and reparation of those who have been tortured. We also recognize what happened to the institutions. They also called for “ensuring that no one else is subjected to torture.”
Antonio Goñi Igoaren eta Mikel Zabalzaren argazkiak eta aldamenean senideak. Argazkia:
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

02 July 2021 - 10:28
Last updated: 12:30

The Network of Torturados de Navarra requested an “official investigation” from the foral administration “to find out the number of people tortured by the State security forces”. They stressed that the practice of torture was “constant”, contrary to the “political dissent that was used as a political weapon”. This practice has been denied for decades and has been tried to cover up. It is a consensus and legitimization of State institutions. They have collaborated in one way or another: political parties, judges, forensic doctors, as well as the media.”

As explained by the members of the Network, “despite the fact that anti-State sentences come from Europe, despite our testimonies, today some refuse to acknowledge what we have experienced in the first person. They used torture against us. It’s time to recognize what they did to us,” they said. On the subject of torture, they also claimed the need to recover their memory and demanded an "independent and scientific" investigation of torture cases.

In the previous legislature, in 2018, the Government of Navarra convened and awarded 18,000 euros to the Basque Institute of Criminology of the University of the Basque Country to investigate cases of torture from 1960 to the present day. In Spain, pp followed the lead of the Administration and appealed the resolution, and the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra rejected the call.

At the event held on Friday in Pamplona/Iruña, he was accompanied by the image of the Orbaizetarra Mikel Zabenhancement, the etxarri Antonio Goñi Igoa, arrested and tortured after a demonstration against the Burgos process in 1970. The neighbour of Etxarri, who had been devoid of fingernails in his hands after evicting the police, committed suicide by a shot.

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