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The Government of Navarra makes the digitisation of the administration available to the company Microsoft

  • President María Chivite sees public-private collaboration “necessary” to achieve digital progress. Microsoft Ibérica will use, among other things, artificial intelligence to “help” expedite institutional formalities.

20 June 2024 - 12:05
Last updated: 18:32
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The President of the Government of Navarra, María Chivite, and the president of Microsoft Ibérica, Alberto Granados, have signed an agreement that on Tuesday 19 June will bring “digital transformation and innovation” in the words of the president of Navarra. They stress that the agreement will entail digitisation in all areas, including in the public sector, and Chivit stresses that it considers public-private collaboration “necessary” to achieve digital transformation.

Chivit has pointed out that the Administration must be “useful, functional and as efficient as possible for citizens”. The Government of Navarra has announced that one of the tools to achieve this digital transformation will be artificial intelligence. Alberto Granados stresses that this tool will help “streamline management procedures”.

The President of Navarre has pointed out that the agreement will mean “improving business competitiveness and boosting digital talent” and “strengthening the business fabric and generating job opportunities”. In fact, Micosoft Ibérica expects that the agreement will allow the creation of 1,000 jobs in Navarre and the increase in GDP of 400 million over the next three years. However, agreements between public institutions and private companies often give rise to criticism.

The Basque Government and Google signed a four-year partnership agreement in April 2022, in which many experts and agents denounced their “commitment to privatization”. They determined that the agreement did not involve “economic consideration”, but the text did not determine the benefits and treatment of Google’s personal data.

The Librezale platform on education highlighted through a press release that Google “can make changes whenever it wants” and that because it does not respect the European General Data Protection Regulation is among the “ones that have received the highest fines”. In this agreement, the platform denounced the violation of point 16 of the agreement for the new education law, which talks about respecting “digital rights and students’ privacy” and about using “auditable, reusable, free and transparent technological resources”.

Now, the digitisation of the Navarra administration has been made available by the government to the private company Microsoft, and it is about to see how it will affect citizens’ data.

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