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The Government of Navarra recognizes for the first time the political victims of the police and the extreme right

  • On 30 May, an act of recognition and reparation was held in the Baluarte room in Pamplona for the first twelve victims of political motivation. The Government has announced its intention to hold the event each year.

31 May 2024 - 11:13
Ana Ollo Nafarroako Gobernuko lehendakariordea eta Memoria eta Bizikidetzako kontseilaria Baluarteko ekitaldian. Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia.

The twelve recognised political victims are: Mikel Zabraise, Mikel Arrangi and Jesús María Fernández already deceased; José Ramón Velez and Mintxo Ilundain who were injured in the Sanfermines of 1978; Gloria Bosque, who suffered torture during the Franco regime; Carmen Garatea, victim of a Triple attack; Joanes Molina, who lost an eye with 16 years of torture.

The event involved the victims and their families, as well as the members of the Recognition and Reparation Commission who are analysing the files and requests of the victims. Representatives of the Parliament of Navarre, the Navarre Federation of Municipalities and Councils, Ararteko, universities, trade unions and associations related to the field of human rights have also participated.

The Vice-President and Councillor for Memory and Coexistence, Ana Ollo, spoke on behalf of the Government of Navarra. Ollo acknowledges to the relatives of victims and victims that recognition is late: “This is an act of recognition and reparation for those who have suffered unjust and unjustifiable damage and violence in the past. Through this action, the Government recognizes that only by recognizing this present damage will a truly democratic and peaceful society be built in the future. We know that recognition is late for you and incomplete. Although these wounds are difficult to close, I sincerely hope that this act will contribute to the expected recognition and reparation.”

The Government Recognition and Redress Commission is dealing with at least 60 more dossiers.

Family statements

The event was attended by the brothers Mikel Arrangi and Mikel Zabraise. The sister of Arrangi said this: “We’ve come to this moment on the way back to the front, but we want to go all the way. Mikel's case was not extraordinary in the practice of torture, which made it special to end the month. In other words, torture has not been an exception, but a widespread, well-organized, high-level practice that has left thousands of victims."

Zabascence’s sister thanks the Government of Navarra on behalf of the family: “We believe it is an important step, which can open avenues for the future to improve law and declassify official secrets on the path of law formation.”

Josu Irañeta and Fermin Ilundain, a member of the Torture Network and a victim of physical and psychological violence by public officials, and shot to death in the Sanfermines of 1978, have also intervened.

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