The Government of Navarre has spent more than EUR 1.3 million on the institutional publication it has made in the media in 2019. More than 20% of this amount has gone to the current account of a single newspaper, Diario de Navarra – 265,142 euros. The country’s other great Spanish newspaper, Diario de Noticias, has received 176,548 euros. These figures are very high, compared to those reported by the only newspaper in Euskera, as Berria received only €18,324 last year from the councillors of the foreign government.
In the radios, the trend in favor of the Castellanos is also notable. The Chain Ser has been made with the command of almost 60,000 euros of the 227,544 euros distributed among all the dealers. From behind are the Cope and Onda Cero right-wing chains, with 41,394.35 and 35,425.23 euros respectively. And again, to find the first medium of communication in Basque you have to get it down well below the table: Radio Euskalerria de la Comarca de Pamplona has received slightly more than 9,000 euros in institutional advertising, while Xorroxin has received slightly more than 1,700.
Televisions and network: almost all advertising in Spanish
Television also shows a tendency to put the Basque media in the background: Navarre TV was the community in which it received the most institutional advertising, EUR 81,571, far from those received by Hamaika Telebista – EUR 7,675,94 – or Xaloa – EUR 6,310,56.
It also draws attention to what happens with advertising in digital media. According to the information provided by the Government of Navarra, the foral executive has published two publications of the network: Almost 20,000 euros on the website of Diario de Navarra and about 17,000 in Diario de Noticias. In this case, the media websites that work in Euskera do not appear either, although they do continuously monitor the news produced both at the local and regional levels.
It is data from last year that has been given by the Government of Navarra, that is, the year in which this medium celebrated its centenary. And since the origin of the current ARGIA is in the magazine Zeruko Argia, created by the Capuchin friars of Pamplona, various acts were carried out coinciding with the ephemeris Hiri Erregagian.
However, this magazine that has been reporting about Navarre for a whole century only received institutional publicity last year from the government of that country: EUR 1,815. The section entitled “Sectoral Journals” contains the number of institutional advertising that the Government has put in ARGIA. In order for the reader to form an idea, the magazine of the association of hosteleros of Navarra received a similar number – 1,626 euros.
Espainiako Gardentasun Kontseiluak zortzi ministeriori iragarkien datuak publiko egin behar dituztela exijitu ostean, salaketa jarri dute Auzitegi Nazionalean erabakia ez betetzeko.
Hedabide euskaldunak biltzen dituen Hekimen elkarteak bilera eskatu dio Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiari, erakunde horrek iragarritako publizitate instituzionalaren beherakada aztertzeko. 2015eko aurrekontuarekin alderatuta, erdira jaitsiko du euskarazko hedabideetako publizitatea... [+]