The Government of Navarre has had to authorize the extension of the huge livestock population of Caparroso, but the Rural Development and Environment Minister, Izaskun Gómez, has announced that it will take steps to ensure that this does not happen.
In 2019, the Uxue Barkos Government passed a regulation on the size of farms, but it was only a foral decree. According to the Berria media, the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra considers that the Government had no competence to prohibit the cooperative Valle de Odieta from extending the Caparroso village.
Currently, the Caparroso farm is authorized for some 3,500 cattle, although Greenpeace has denounced that there are about 5,000 animals. Last Monday, Greenpeace protested in Caparroso, where he returned to the raft a ton of dirty water that he had filtered to a well from that farm, to report that the farm contaminated the waters and land of the area.
Greenpeace stated in his blog that “this protest originated from the permission granted by the Government of Navarra, which will make it possible to double the capacity of the Caparroso estate, which has gone from 3,450 farm permits to 7,200 farm permits”. “The farm generates 150,000 tons of manure a year. All the inhabitants of Navarre, 654,214 people, generated 283,605 tons of household waste in 2019,” they reported.
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