Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They call to concentrate in front of the PSN headquarters in Pamplona to denounce that it hinders model D

  • The Euskera Defense Network wishes to denounce the obstacles that the Government of Navarre places on model D. It is clear that the Government of Navarra is “prepared to do everything” to “attack the Basque Country”. For this reason, they convened a concentration on 2 July, at 12:00, in front of the PSOE headquarters in Pamplona, under the motto “Oibar euskaraz, model D throughout Navarre”.
2023ko urriaren 11an, Lezkairun D eredua eskatzeko egin zuten elkarretaratzea. Argazkia:

The Euskera Defense Network believes that the Government of Navarra has made an effort not to disseminate model D since 2019, they have denounced. Despite the interest of many centers, the government has always denied them this possibility. They say that in addition to harming the Basque country, it puts more obstacles to living in the countryside. They have highlighted that it has been demonstrated that model D is a way to maintain life in small towns of Navarra, for example, the possibility of studying in model D in Ancín "doubles" the number of students.

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