In 2021, 247 redundancies were carried out in Navarra, but the Socialist Council has denounced deficiencies in official data: “They do not take into account the invisible and out-of-court evictions, or those related to cases of occupation.” The protagonists are those evicted by the rental, but the group recalls that those linked to the rental are “forgotten problems” and that they do not have the media monitoring of evictions related to foreclosures. In any case, they wanted to highlight the harsh reality behind the dismissal data.
Current context
Purchasing power has decreased, inflation has increased and housing spending is becoming more and more difficult, “increasing the risk of eviction.” They say that the data from Navarra are worrying: “The rent price has risen by about 40% in the last five years; the sale price of housing grew by 2.8% in 2021 and has grown for seven consecutive years, only 13.8% of children under 30 live emancipated…”.
The Socialist Council considers that the problem must be understood more broadly and that the continuing threat of not being able to have adequate housing is a reality in our capitalist society. The Socialist Council of the Region of Pamplona proposes to guarantee a “truly free, universal and quality housing”, in the diagnosis it includes in its different reflections.
Auzoan Bizi Etxebizitza Sareak salatu du Berakah programa beste bi familia etxegabetzen saiatzen ari dela, iaz beste familia batekin egin zuen bezala. Dagoeneko salatutako hauetaz gain, Berakahko kasu gehiago ari dira heltzen etxebizitza sarera. Berakah programa Santa... [+]