This platform has been in motion for a long time and the last demonstration was on 26 March in Pamplona to reclaim the dignity of the 0-3 cycle. Basically, they have three main demands: the reduction of ratios or the hiring of more teachers, the improvement of working conditions and the non-creation of classrooms for the collection of 2-year-old children.
On this last point there is a debate between the Government of Navarra and the platform, since the Minister of Education of the Government of Navarra, Carlos Gimeno, has publicly stated that it is not the intention of the government. The platform has, however, stressed that Gimeno opened the door to the creation of 2 year classrooms in a hearing in the Parliament of Navarra.
At the assembly held on 6 April in Barañain, the workers decided to call for a strike because they understand that this is the only way for the Gimeno department to sit down and engage in serious dialogue with them. The platform believes that the pressure being exerted within the Government is having an effect and has stated that it will continue with that pressure.
All parties with parliamentary representation, except the PSN, have expressed their agreement with the platform’s demands. From the platform it is known that it is easy to be in opposition, but they report that after being in government, the parties have not focused the problem. In any case, the platform notes that they are in a complicated situation: “The new Education Act brings funds for the creation of public places in the 0-3 course, and here is the key, some parties see the possibility of financing the concerted classes and others are looking at the classrooms for two years.”
Gimeno explained this Thursday in the Basque Parliament that the 0-3 year cycle will be free for families with an income below EUR 20,000 from the next year and that tuition fees will be reduced for those with a per capita income below EUR 6,650.
The platform considers that “the Foral Community of Navarra does not guarantee a dignified and quality right. Cycle 3-6 is free, but 0-3 is expensive and elitist.” They denounce that a decree on cycle 0-6 is to be adopted on the basis of an optional draft without the participation of experts from cycle 0-3: “From this regulation, the division of the cycle and the incorporation of English into schools are consolidated, if decided by the City Council or the Department of Education”.
In Navarre there are over 4,300 boys and girls working in the 0-3 cycle, and over 1,000 people work in this age group.
Eric Etxartek Seaskako lehendakarikide ardura hartu berri du urte hatsarrean, Antton Etxeberri eta Sophie Layusekin batera. Peio Jorajuriaren lekukoa hartu dute hirurek, eta Lehendakarikidetza taldea osatu dute.
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