Each year between 30 and 40 new cases of AIDS are detected in Navarra, most of them late diagnoses. The Director-General of Health has stressed the importance of making these diagnoses earlier so that there are fewer infections in the Basque Country. This year’s AIDS Day campaign focuses on “people with the greatest difficulties in accessing the health system”.
The Department of Health of the Government of Navarra detects 30 to 40 new cases of AIDS each year, according to data provided by the Director General of Health, Antonio López, on December 1, International AIDS Day.
Although the pharmacological advances allow the chronification of the disease, Lopez has emphasized that the goal is to eliminate incident cases before 2030 and that more complications may occur. It has also underlined the importance of early detection, since annual cases of 30-40 are diagnoses that take a long time to arrive. "We would like these diagnoses to be made earlier with a view to treatment, with a view to stabilizing the process, which would lead to less contamination," he explained.
This year’s International AIDS Day campaign focuses on guaranteeing the rights of all people, especially the most vulnerable groups, such as immigrants or people in need, “who have more difficulty accessing the health system”. Lopez stressed that these groups must be "the social, political and legislative support" so that "we can all achieve that goal", he added.
The director recalled that the relaxation of preventive measures is causing sexually transmitted diseases to also multiply in Navarra.
"Having a therapeutic response to processes doesn't mean we don't have to put an emphasis on preventing sexually transmitted diseases," he said.
Hego Euskal Herrian 2020an 134 kasu positibo atzeman dituzte. Abenduaren lehena da Hiesaren Aurkako Nazioarteko Eguna, eta NBEk ohartarazi du oraindik pandemia hori ez dela amaitu; iaz munduan 680.000 pertsona hil ziren hiesarekin lotutako gaixotasunen ondorioz.
Passionate, guerrilla, passionate 120 battements par minute, like the activism of Act Up. The 1990s are the beginning and AIDS kills a lot of people in France (also), but Parisian activists are not willing to give up, they struggle to put pressure on institutions and... [+]
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Sutsua, gerrillaria, pasionala da 120 battements par minute, Act Up taldearen aktibismoa bezalatsu.
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Osasunaren Mundu Erakundeak (OME) diru gehiago erabiltzen du urtero bere 7.000 kideen bidaiak ordaintzeko osasun publikoaren aurkako zenbait mehatxu larriri aurre egiteko baino, Associated Press (AP) berri agentziak eskuratu duen barne-txosten batean ikus daitekeenez.