In the context of the economic and social crisis generated by the health crisis caused by the coronavirus, the Charter of Social Rights of the Basque Country will celebrate on Friday a protest march to claim “a social plan for the recovery of Navarra”. It will depart at 11:00 in the morning from the new bus station in Pamplona/Iruña.
In fact, a number of social and trade union agents from Navarre, meeting in the Charter of Social Rights, have produced a document “with a series of essential measures to ensure that in society all people and respect for their rights are truly the subject of institutional policies”. In the opinion of the signatories, the experience during these months and the reading made by the Government of Navarra “are very different”.
Among the demands they have made with the document are the free and quality of universal public services to give guarantees to the most precarious groups, the protection of fundamental rights, the recognition and separation of care, measures to deal with male violence, quality jobs, the right to information, the networks of the transforming economy and the Community and popular projects that respect people and the nature of our rights and freedoms, and the guarantee of security.
“We came from a general strike for employment, pensions and dignified life, and we are on that path,” they said. “The document we present is a living document that will be modified as we detect new needs or institutions implement new measures.” We have therefore asked the Government of Navarra to take account of the contents and implement concrete measures based on them, as well as to create spaces for real participation in which the voice of social movements is taken into account.
Tamara Yague Confebaskeko presidenteak iragarri du gehiengo sindikalak deitutako martxoaren 20ko bilerara ez dela joango, eta gehitu du gutxieneko soldataz eztabaidatzeko markoa Espainiako Mahaia dela. ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, Etxalde eta Hiru sindikatuek EAErako gutxieneko... [+]
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Two years ago, in Pamplona we began to organize a group of individuals in the Haritu mutual assistance network with the aim of collectively facing the widespread impoverishment of the working class. Due to the increasing difficulties of access to food and housing, we created the... [+]
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