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Alsasua celebrates Nafarroa Oinez

  • Ikastola Iñigo Aritza has gathered the witness that the ikastola Tantirumairu of Lesaka has given this year to the ikastola. The organizers have described the day as “wonderful” for “LIVE Nafarroa Oinez”.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

22 October 2018 - 10:03

Does time come? Or yesterday in Altsasu thousands of Euskaltzales and Ikastola fans, among others. A unique opportunity to promote Basque culture and Basque culture. Once the objectives were met, the organizers were satisfied with the result. According to the Foral Police, the number of attendees was around 40,000, although according to the organizers the number of attendees is likely to increase.

The main challenge was to work inclusiveness among hundreds of volunteers from the Ikastola de Altsasu. To do so, besides filling the day with different demands, they held a workshop on inclusiveness. A large number of people approached and, according to the organizers, it was a “success”.

A 19-year-old student died early in the morning in a traffic accident

The event took place at 6:00 a.m. in the village of Urdiain. The four friends came back from Altsasu and his car rushed down the bridge across the Arakil River. The late 19-year-old, Mikel Apaolaza, was the driver of the vehicle in which they traveled.

Yesterday they could not forget it, as the pains that the misery had caused were always present. In yesterday’s celebration, Mikel had a time when he paid tribute to his family and friends by offering them his support.

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