Ikastola Iñigo Aritza faces the challenge of organizing this Sunday the Nafarroa Oinez 2018. A great challenge for a small ikastola: Iñigo Aritza has 370 students and serves the four towns of Burunda, Alsasua, Urdiain, Olazti and Ziordia. This is the fourth time that the ikastola bears witness to "Oinez." In fact, it is the first ikastola in Navarre that organized the Basque festival in 1981.
4.5 kilometer journey
The circuit consists of four and a half kilometers, and it has no problem to do so, as it is a circuit with few ramps. On the tour, you can also see very common robledals and beech trees in the area. People with mobility problems also have an alternative that can be made in a wheelchair. The length of this other circuit is shorter, although it reaches all areas. The different itineraries are marked in color: complete accessibility, medium accessibility and not generally accessible. The tour is divided into four areas, Bizi, Kanta, Txio and Dantza, and in each one you can find very varied activities.
Open and Designed for All
This year, the following musical groups should be highlighted as part of the wide range of offerings presented in the different spaces: The San Sebastian Film Festival includes Tximeleta, Zartako-k, Moonshine Wagon, Oihan Vega, Anita Paker, Demode Quartet, Amaren Alabak, Trikiteens or Gauargi, among others. We particularly highlight the following two groups that will sing in Catalan and Galician: Xabi Sarria i el cor de la Fera y Ezetaerre. But what the party proposes goes beyond music. On the one hand, this year we also want to attach importance to sport, and we want to refer to the Erronka initiative. This initiative is a competition that takes place by area and in which groups of all the ikastolas of Navarra participate in tests that have as axis sport and skill. And on the other hand, another activity that brings together entertainment and training: the robotics workshop. Children who sign up will be taught how to program a robot.
Inclusive Proposal
Undoubtedly, the main challenge of this year’s edition has been the construction of an inclusive Oinez, which does so in a differentiated way from the previous ones. Throughout the year we have tried to put the mark of inclusiveness on all the events and activities we have carried out. With regard to the day, we have said that the journey also takes into account the special needs, but not only that. In fact, the services or information panels we offer are also adapted for people with special needs. In this sense, we would like to highlight the gastronomic offer that we will offer special menus for celiacs and vegans.
Traffic plan
Altsasu is situated at a crossroads, at the confluence of the A-1 and A-10 motorways and at the confluence of Gipuzkoa, Álava and Navarra. The traffic plan is adapted so that vehicles coming from each of these territories can move as close as possible to the circuit. For this purpose, parking spaces have been established in each of the public accesses.
In addition, Renfe has strengthened its usual service and made more trains available to users so that they can reach both Irún and Pamplona/Iruña. In any case, it should be pointed out that the Altsasu/Alsasua stop is not in the same town, and that in order to access the second area, the nearest one, that is to say, there is a kilometre and a half and it must be done on foot. Families with young children should therefore take this into account. Remember that it is most advisable to get round-trip tickets so as not to have problems on the return and not wait for the last train so as not to have problems with the site.
The Foral Police recalls that, in accordance with the last established safety protocols, and as has been done at mass gatherings such as those of Sanfermin or Javierada, the presence of the officers will be strengthened and appropriate security measures will be adopted.
Having a good time, without passing it
Finally, we comment that our desire is that the party be enjoyed with total normality. That is why we believe it is worth remembering that we must reject and combat chauvinistic behaviour and even aggression. The goal is for everyone, women and men, to enjoy the feast of the Basque Country with total freedom and respect.
Great work of volunteers
Nafarroa Oinez is not limited to a day. A year ago a group of volunteers is doing a great job, more in recent days. For all these reasons, we would like to thank all the people who will come to work on Sunday, as well as enjoying the party.
>>> This article has been brought to Euskal Herria Irratia, through the CC-BY-SA license.
Lizarra Ikastolaren laugarren Nafarroa Oinez izanen da aurtengoa. Erabat berezia, egoerak hala aginduta, baina bereziki alaia pandemia osteko lehena delako larunbat eta igandean eginen den festa. Lizarra Ikastolara joan gara irratsaio berezia egitera eta handik pasatzeko... [+]
3,5 kilometro luze eta lau gune dituen ibilbidea prestatu dute eta hainbat ekialdi izanen dituzte igandean.
Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartearekin eta aurtengo Nafarroa Oinez antolatu duen Tantirumairu ikastolarekin batera, 2015ean suten batek kiskalitako herri lurrak basoberrituko dituzte.