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Navarra matrilineal

24 February 2023 - 11:56

The ideological heirs of the conquerors of the Kingdom of Navarra are today the political parties that manage means such as patriarchal intellectual production and EITB. These heirs continue with the colonization process of Navarre, distorting historical contexts and negating the original life of the Basques – matrilineal life – and instead offer us a story that they themselves have invented.

The Navarre territory was originally extended to the Garonne River, including the Ebro River and its lands. Therefore, Castile was part of the Kingdom of Navarra, but when Castile became the kingdom, the desire to own the rest of the kingdoms of Navarra and Iberia emerged. This was due to the fact that the Kingdom of Castile was under the orders of the Vatican and that the objective of the Vatican was to dominate the kingdoms of Europe so that it would have a totalitarian and then global imperialist elite. Pope Alexander in 1179 proclaimed the holy war, bellum sacrorum, to the European matrilineal peoples and, in particular, to Navarra (nauar, bachos, albigenses, etc.). And in order for the Vatican to bring the crusade to the head, the Church created accusations of inquisition and witchcraft.

The difficulty of the Basques in maintaining our sovereignty is that we have not identified our enemy, the Vatican.

The Kingdom of Navarre has long been coveted by the French, British and Castile. And in 1512 Pope Julius II ordered Fernando the Catholic to conquer Navarre militarily, under the orders of the Duke of Alba, who signed neutrality with the king of France against the then kings Catherine and John of Albret. The Vatican's concern was that Navarre was defending its sovereignty, its freedom, and that its matrilineal life was in force despite patriarchal Christianization. During the years of intense struggle for freedom in Navarre, in 1522, they continued to defend their life and territory in castles of Pamplona, Amaiur, Behobia, etc.

The Inquisitor Pierre Lancre also accused Lapurdi women and children of witchcraft. 3,000 detainees and 600 burned as matrilineal, free. The seamen rose up and the Bordeaux Parliament called Lancre to the chapter, which he soon abandoned. And the inquisitor left, and three years later, he published his adventures.

When the Inquisition reached its goal of imposing patriarchy, in the nineteenth century, Spain became a reality and the rest of the current European states

Accusations of witchcraft continued throughout Navarre, including the Navarros of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. The objective of the inquiry was the dominance of the population and the dissolution of matrilineal structures through complaints of witchcraft. The structures were the extensive family of the maternal lineage, the communal property, the house and the land inherited their daughters from the succession through the maternal line, the neighborhood structure, the supreme organ that organized the assembly and the law (the courts), the rites of passage, beliefs (Mari) and natural law or Pyrenean law. However, the patriarchal structures replace these structures: the patriarchal family, in which the paternal authority and the other members fulfilled their orders, the majority inherited the house and its lands the older children, the individual private property, the salaried system, taxes, the resulting legislation, based on the patriarchal Catholic coercive religion, in which the woman had to be in charge of her father and her husband, and the religious values. When the Inquisition reached its goal of imposing patriarchy, in the nineteenth century, Spain became a reality and the other European states that exist today.

The difficulty we Basques have had in maintaining our sovereignty is that we have not identified our enemy, the Vatican.

The Basques, besides being indigenous of European origin, are Navarros matrilineal and the Basque Country is another invention created to forget who we are.

Mari Carmen Basterretxea

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