In view of the project to implement wind farms in Larraga, Berbinzana and Miranda de Ebro, the environmental organization Eguzki has denounced the actions of the Government of Navarra and the company Agrowind Navarra 2013, S.L. The project was presented by Agrowind in 2012 and now, eleven years later, are about to be built. The members of the Sun have pointed out that “it is entirely scandalous” to maintain a project with an environmental study “totally obsolete” and “not in line with current reality”.
The Subai Foundation has stated that it will submit claims: “Once again, the Government of Navarra puts the private benefit of companies before the interests of society.” Foundation members state that the extension offered to the business group is “unacceptable”, as well as the “use of tools that assess the environmental impacts” of the project.
A project full of “tricks”
The project was born in 2012 and submitted to public information in 2016 after its submission to the affected municipalities. The solar organization argues that the analyses performed on wind capacity, physical environment and environmental impact date: “From that time to the present there has been a huge ‘boom’ of renewable energy polygons, including the areas affected by this project.”
The Sectoral Plan for Supramunicipal Incidence (PSIS) of the project was approved by the Government of Navarra in 2018, but they did not begin to be built because, according to the members of the Sol, “the companies did not have the capacity to do so”: “The company was created in 2013 with a low share capital of 4,000 euros, but that is, as a large social headquarters”.
However, they note that the Government of Navarra extended the duration of the PSIS in an “artificial” and “totally irregular” way: “In 2021, when more than 3 years passed since the approval of the project without the company performing works, and should therefore be declared expired, the Government accidentally declared that a further 5 years was extended”.
The members of the Sol underline that the extension of the deadline benefited the company and served to sell it to another company with the capacity to carry out the project. And they did. In 2022, Agrowind sold all the companies and wind farms to the Alfanar group in Saudi Arabia. The project is currently exposed to the public with a new modification.
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