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Navarros and Euskera citizens

23 August 2021 - 10:39
Last updated: 12:45
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The articles published by Eusko Ikaskuntza in relation to the day on trust between different people held on 16 June in Pamplona have generated a negative criticism of some of them and, consequently, have made public their opinion in various media. This is the answer of those responsible for the project of coexistence in Navarre: the democratic management of the diversity of Eusko Ikaskuntza.

“It is an institution that covers the entire Basque country,” says Eusko Ikaskuntza, and here the doubt is repeated over and over again: Is Euskal Herria only a country or community speaking Basque, or is Euskal Herria a territory? The answer changes from top to bottom the characteristic of Basque citizenship: the person who speaks Basque, in the first; the one who speaks Basque, Spanish or French (not only because in our country the linguistic diversity is great) in the second. There are also those who want to resolve their doubts in a rather simple way: Euskal Herria is the territory, but in that territory the Basque language must be the main language (or only in the future). But this third proposal has an obvious obstacle in reality, since two-thirds of the population are not vasco-speakers, and that is when the theoretical and practical difficulties that are perfectly reflected in the Alta Navarra begin.

We are trying to understand these difficulties and to make proposals for democratic management. In fact, “proposing future solutions to the main concerns and challenges of Euskal Herria” is one of the tasks that Eusko Ikaskuntza has assumed. The truth is that it can also be considered an ambition to propose solutions in this case, there is such a confused and tense atmosphere on some issues. One of them is the Basque, of course, and at least we understand that it is an essential exercise, in this Navarre in which not all Navarros are Basque.

"In Nafarroa Garaia there has been a conflict of great intensity around the management of the Basque Country, or it has been created by the Navarros for sociological, ideological, political and even sometimes labor reasons"

Indeed, in Nafarroa Garaia there has been a conflict of great intensity around the management of the Basque Country, or it has been created by the Navarros for sociological, ideological, political and even, sometimes, labor reasons. Some see the Basque as the supreme and principal symbol of the Basque nation. What interest can those who do not speak Basque, live far from the Basque country and do not believe in the Basque nation? What interest do those who believe in the Spanish nation have? (And it would be worth remembering that those who feel the Spanish identity are three times more those who feel the Basque identity). In the best case, because it is the heritage of Navarre, in some way they do admit it, but they do not give it to the Basque (it is to wager for the Basque nation). And in the worst case scenario, we know it well. They act against each other in a planned and planned way: obstacles are placed in the practice of many administrations everywhere; there is talk of ideological imposition; there is talk of politically ending the privileges of the Basque and the Basque people; culturally, exclusion or disinterest is imposed... It is not a quiet situation, let alone. How do you solve this problem?

As we said in the article entitled The Basque Country and confidence in Navarre (and it was limited to that), the existence of different attitudes about the management of the Basque Country is evident, and one of them we call it “the most outraged”, as they see the Basque Country attacked in Navarre, reaching an unacceptable limit. The attitude is important, because of its evident theoretical and symbolic weight, but it is the line of few Navarros, in no case of all Basque Navarros, which reduces its influence.

At the theoretical level there are no clear and central lines, which leads to a theoretical dispersion. Contrasting elements are used: Euskera should be the language of all Navarros and Spanish is imposed, although most Navarros, which are not Basque, feel Castilian as their own language; Euskera should be depoliticized so that no one is symbolized; or politicized to influence society; administration and parties should not politicize it; or vice versa. The issue of rights does not give any clues either: the rights of the Basques must be guaranteed throughout Navarre, but in view of the current reality, it is acknowledged that it really cannot be guaranteed…

In other words, the management of the Basque Country becomes a problem, among other things, because under it there is a conflict between the national identities of the Navarros. Speaking of possible solutions, there are lines that behave as if they were to achieve a total victory in the short term, but practice tells them time and again the opposite. Is there any way of bringing this conflict to a democratic path? That is what Eusko Ikaskuntza is working on. And we are aware that our action is ungrateful, because that is what happens whenever there is conflict. But getting down to the whirlwind of conflict doesn't mean that we have to be neutral. Moreover, as we said in that article, we do not believe that the administration itself can be neutral. On the other hand, we believe it is essential that democratic play should be nothing more than the conquest of passions or the perpetuation of conflict. And it has been said by the Navarre citizens themselves, the constant and passionate dispute wears and scares people, rather than encouraging participation and debate.


Article signatories: Txoli Mateos González, Amaia Nausia Pimoulier and Julen Zabalo Bilbao

Democratic management of the diversity of Eusko Ikaskuntza in Navarra: coexistence

members of the Project Steering Group

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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