In our view, it has been an attempt to neutralise public opinion in the face of something that is becoming more difficult to understand and much more difficult to justify. They tell us about empathy, work, rigor, commitment and cost-effectiveness ratio, without a doubt, very powerful words. They also tell us that they are not going to fall into improvisation, into easy speech or into demagogy. However, they do not miss the opportunity to place their responsibilities on the rooftops of others.
“The writing by Remírez and Ciriza has been an attempt to neutralize public opinion. On the one hand, they speak rigorously, and on the other hand, they wash their hands by handing out responsibilities, trying to sell that 2+1 is the best solution”
They defend 2+1 as a solution to the N-121- A, while stating that it is the result of the technical decisions taken by the governments of previous legislatures (the lack of courage is evident). On the one hand, they talk of rigour, and on the other hand, they wash their hands by handing out responsibilities, trying to sell that 2+1 is the best solution. The latter is derived from the analysis carried out by the UPN Government in 2014. This work was denominated technical study on the operation of the road N121-A "of general interest" Asturias-Behobia. (This expression makes us graceful in quotation marks of “general interest”). What if it wasn't?
They have pointed out immediately that the works will start to be tendered in summer and at the end of the year, but they do not tell us when they will end (another lack of courage).
The demonstrators have confined themselves to reporting that the Government is working to bring the 62 kilometres into line as soon as possible. It should be taken into account, for example, that the Huarte variant was approved in 2013 and has not yet been built. Against this background, what can we expect from this project 2+1? It was adopted in April 2017 and nothing will move in April 2020. Just thinking makes us tremble.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the works being announced are intended exclusively for the first part, for which there is currently no budget item. Of the estimated EUR 70 million, there are only EUR 1 million, that is, the expenditure that the government announced last January.
They make known the participatory nature of the process, but despite the continuing efforts of municipalities in managing these issues, they have not yet resolved any of the 485 claims submitted by individuals and municipalities.
They also tell us about a number of short-term measures, and there is one that stands out above all: Improve the lighting of tunnels! Do you really care about tunnels?
‘Neither Belate, Almandoz, Oieregi, nor Sunbilla comply with European standards for tunnel safety. They remind us that any restrictive action by the administration must be motivated. Do you not think that the Belate and Almandoz tunnels are dangerous because of heavy traffic?
So let's talk to people in the tunnels. Neither Belate, Almandoz, Oieregi, nor Sunbilla comply with European safety regulations. The first two, by the risk analysis of the Ministry of Development, are considered high-risk tunnels. You know why? Because their rating (among others) is measured according to trucks or heavy vehicles passing through them. Easy to understand: more trucks more risk and less trucks better qualification, less risks.
The tunnels of Oieregi and Sunbilla, following the refurbishment work, shall be subject to further studies. And we must not forget that the mandatory risk revisions for the passage of dangerous goods through the four tunnels are still pending. The Belate and Almandoz tunnels will be illegal and dangerous until 2025, as this date is foreseen as a time limit for their unfolding. This means that we will have to continue to travel these five more years, knowing that the Government of Navarre does not comply with the necessary security measures. We do not see at all the rigour and cost-effectiveness ratios to which you refer. Tunnel duplication (other not available)
EUR 100 million) When does it arise? Just and unexpectedly, when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sends Navarre a dossier of non-compliance sent by the European Union. This makes us think that they do more for fear of sanctions, for risk prevention baino.Hori, and it is a decision of the Government of Navarra (at the moment) not to divert heavy international traffic to the Leitzaran motorway or the A-15. We're told that that decision can be reviewed in the light of the changing circumstances of the N-121-A -- this last statement makes us angry.
What do you expect? What are they afraid of?
We would like to remind you that on 30 January last Parliament adopted a motion with the vote in favour of all the political groups, except that of Navarre Sumario, which abstained. This motion calls on the Government to "analyse, through its legal services, possible measures that may be taken to limit or limit the movement of heavy goods vehicles by the N-121-A, with the aim of increasing safety and reducing road accidents". the road between Pamplona and France via Irun,
At the meeting held on 28 January in the Palacio de Navarra, it was noted that the studies carried out indicated that in 2019 mortality had a downward trend, making it difficult to justify the measure in legal terms. In the first two months of 2020 "variable fluctuations of the road" have led to a reversal of the trend. In two months there have been more deaths than last year. And now what?
They remind us that any restrictive action by the administration must be sufficiently motivated, since, on the other hand, it would fall into arbitrariness. Do you find it unmotivating and unreasonable for the Belate and Almandoz tunnels to become very dangerous the heavy traffic itself?
After analysing the causes of the fatal accidents that have occurred in the past four years, police reports by the Foral Police release trucks from liability. It is known that in most fatal accidents trucks have been involved. For example, in the last three accidents in which several people have died.
‘We do not understand very well the resistance that some carriers in the surrounding area have shown, because it does not affect them at all. Be courageous and start to divert the heavy traffic of international goods without origin or destination on the Leitzaran motorway, built for that. Or not?
It is true that his only fault was to be at the right time in the wrong place, but the truth is that they are there, they are dangerous and they are too many. According to his own words, the fact that more than 3,000 lorries circulate a day has nothing to do with the fact that this road is the one with the greatest accident and mortality in Navarre, but, in this case (indeed), it is because we are the worst drivers and the most reckless in Navarre. In our opinion, to limit ourselves to their cold statistics is not to want to see the reality of a road that, without being prepared for it, suffers the daily influx of thousands of heavy vehicles, which undeniably affects the behaviour of other users.
As we repeat in the forums in which we participate, we do not denounce the truckers. Under no circumstances will we be held responsible for the danger of driving on this road (more than anyone travelling on it), even more so if it were not because the majority are excellent professionals, this road would be a real madness. However, as long as the safety of all users on this road is not fully guaranteed, we will continue to insist on the need to divert international freight traffic. It is our duty.
On the other hand, we do not understand very well the resistance demonstrated by some carriers in the surrounding area, because this measure does not affect them at all, since we have always said that what should be reduced is the international traffic of goods that have no origin or destination in Navarre, since they have another option, the A-15. A simple measure, with costs that can be assumed by the Administration and that can be implemented quickly in case of will. And you have to keep in mind that if it doesn't work, there's a chance to go back to the past.
We know that this Government has come up with this historic heritage and, therefore, we cannot attribute all the responsibility to them, but they have the power to take the first steps to put an end to the anguish of the thousands of users who use them on a daily basis and, above all, of the inhabitants of the 29 municipalities of Navarros which have a direct impact. Be courageous and start to divert the heavy traffic of international goods without origin or destination on the Leitzaran motorway, built for that. Or not?
Mayors signing the Opinion Article
Juankar Unanua (Igantzi), Ladis Satrustegi (Lesaka), AMETS Inda (Sunbilla), Pedro Lezaun (Ezkabarte), Martin Pikabea (Ultzama), Joseba Otondo (Baztan), Mari Carmen Lizoain (Olaibar), Dabiurd
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