Olano said that if we had to get money out of taxes to do the analysis of the roads, "we would have to reduce some items of the social work", which "would be a major blow to the Gipuzkoans".
Illegal tolls for transporters on N-1 and A-15
The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) has ratified the previous ruling this Tuesday and has declared the toll for lorries on the N1 and A15 roads of Gipuzkoa illegal.
The Member General has announced that he will appeal the judgment in cassation before the Supreme Court, because he wants legal certainty to be given to the foral rule. He recalled that, following the first judgment against tolls, the European Commission already stated that there was no indirect discrimination against external carriers.
Olano has insisted that the Government will continue to charge tolls until the judgment is final. It is only necessary for the Supreme Court to decide whether the toll is illegal, and Olano has admitted that if the courts do not give them the right, if they have to return to the citizens, it would be a lot of money: between EUR 8 and 9 million a year.
First of all, we wish to extend our condolences to the family and friends of the woman killed in early August.
The people of Gaintxurizketa are fed up with the disillusionment of the administration and those responsible.
Those of us who live in the neighborhood are forced to... [+]
During the transition, Navarre is the Basque Country until we break our throat, we have always looked indirectly, but with special attention to what happens in the “Community”, as we sometimes say in “Vascongadas”, even in “Basque Country”, as if that way of naming... [+]
Bizkaiko N-240 eta BI-625 errepideetan asteazkenetik aurrera kobratuko dizkiete bidesariak. Hiru garraiolari autonomoen elkarteak salatu du diputazioaren “kudeaketa zentzugabea” izan dela, eta gogorarazi du epai bat baino gehiago egon direla bidesarien foru arauak... [+]
Road traffic accidents have a high mortality rate and injuries worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that more than one million people lose their lives each year as a result of a traffic accident and is the ninth leading cause of human death. In addition, the... [+]
'Segurtasuna bizikletentzat' lelopean egingo da Gaintxurizketa gainera arteko martxa, urtarrilaren 15ean, eguerdiko 12:00etan. Errenteriko zumarditik abiatuko da txirrindulari talde bat, eta Zubimuxu biribilgunetik (Irun-Hondarribia) bestea. Hilaren 8an txirrindulari bat... [+]