The United Nations has warned that the civil war in Myanmar is about to begin, and has called for humanitarian aid. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said at her appearance on Thursday that the armed struggle is gaining strength since the military gained power in February. "Urgent steps must be taken to ensure that the situation in Myanmar does not become a conflict," said Bachelet.
The military has killed about 1,100 people since their arrival at the presidency of the Greek Government. On 27 March, Security Forces Day, there was a peaceful attack on the citizens who organized the demonstration and killed 130 people. On 9 April, in the village of Bago, grenades and artillery launchers were launched at the demonstration, killing 82 people.
In Bachelet's words, many of these crimes are part of a "widespread or systematic attack on the civilian population" and, as they have emerged in an armed conflict, "war crimes can be considered". In the face of the attacks on the opposition, the President of the Government of National Unity, Duwa Lashi, has called on the population to take arms and many of them have concentrated on the so-called Defence Force group.
Tension between the two sides is increasing and aggression is increasing. In addition to those killed in military hands, security forces have arrested more than 8,000 people, including boys and girls. Of these, 4,700 are still in prison, so they are unable to receive any legal aid or to communicate with their families. During his stay in prison, the UN has recorded several cases of torture: 120 people have been killed in prison.
In addition, Bachelet encrypted 260 attacks on health services that have taken place since last February in the CAV. The military has shot doctors and nurses, entered ambulances and hospitals and seized medical resources (such as coronavirus and oxygen vaccines). Myanmar is in "the spiral of repression, violence and economic collapse," and its inability to cope with the pandemic has aggravated the situation.
Bachelet has called on all actors, especially the military, to provide humanitarian aid in the country. In addition, the president has called for the release of all political prisoners in Myanmar "for peace and conditions of dialogue". It is Kyi’s former President, Daw Aung San Suu, who was arrested following the coup and was brought to power after the 2020 general election.
BBC hedabideak ikerketa bat argitaratu du, eta militarrek uztailean egindako lau sarraskiren berri eman du. Uste dute hilketak “zigor kolektiboak” izan direla, herri horiek baitira agintean dagoen junta militarraren oposizioaren gotorlekua. Armadak ez ditu hilketak... [+]
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