The atmosphere has warmed up in the Armenian General Assembly, in the capital of Erevan, after the opposition party leader Armenia Argia, Edmon Marukyan.
From the pulpit where he was fueling government members in Marukyan, government member Sasun Mikaelyan yelled at him from his seat. At last, they approached and began to hit the snout. After that, parliamentarians have created images that are being projected around the world and are being projected internationally.
Genocide is unfortunately a fashionable word. According to Rafael Lemkin’s definition in 1946, genocide is defined as “actions aimed at the total or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” These actions may include “killing the members of... [+]
In Stepanakert, the capital of Karabakh Garaia, the images we have seen belong to a ghost town: the streets are empty, only objects abandoned by the Armenian population can be found in haste. In addition to the capital, almost the entire region has become empty of Armenians,... [+]
Armenia has been playing its geopolitical cards for years, very bad by nature. The country is relegated to the south of the landlocked Caucasus, with a weak economy and with the smallest territorial and population size of the region. All this, as if it were not enough, is... [+]
Artsakh Errepublika gehiengo armeniarreko lurraldea da, Azerbaijanek eta Armeniak borrokatzen dutena aspalditik. Eskualdea gehiengo azeriarreko lurraldez inguraturik zegoen enklabe bat zen eta, agian horregatik, sobietarrek probintzia autonomo bezala utzi zuten Azerbaijango... [+]
Iraila amaieran berriz ere infernuko ateak ireki dira Karabakh Garaian. Azerbaijango eta Artsakh Errepublikako indar armatuen (Armeniaren laguntzarekin) arteko talka bi bandoetako hildako kopurua puzten ari da egunetik egunera. Gatazkaren iturburua ez da atzo goizekoa eta... [+]
Duela bi aste berpiztu da gatazka, Armenia Azerbaijanen artean. Gerlaren erdigunean Karabakh Garaia, eta honen kontrola hartzeko helburua; bonbardaketen erdian direlarik herritarrak.
Israelek, AEBek eta Turkiak uko egiten diote duela mende bat otomandarrek 1,5 milioi armeniar sarraskitu izanari “genozidio” deitzea.