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VIDEO | Armenian parliamentarians end with punches

  • On 8 May, hostilities began in the Armenian Parliament. Opposition leader Edmon Marukyan had just reached an agreement, when he approached Sasun Mikaelyan, a member of the ruling party, and offered him a slap. Immediately dozens of politicians have launched into the offensive, according to Radio Free Europe.

08 May 2020 - 19:29
Armeniako legebiltzakideak borrokan.

The atmosphere has warmed up in the Armenian General Assembly, in the capital of Erevan, after the opposition party leader Armenia Argia, Edmon Marukyan.

From the pulpit where he was fueling government members in Marukyan, government member Sasun Mikaelyan yelled at him from his seat. At last, they approached and began to hit the snout. After that, parliamentarians have created images that are being projected around the world and are being projected internationally.

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