Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Tamborreros announce suspension of Mutriku dam works

  • It is reported from the platform that the successful company has suspended the works of the dique. "We haven't received any information from official sources."

What was unstoppable was stopped under the motto "The works of prolonging the dam of the port of Mutriku have been suspended from the Danborzaleak platform". “We have just learned that the company that executes the works abandons what it is and is approaching.”

They report from the platform that they have not received stopping information from official sources. “Things are coming out of the dam and one employee in the area has realized the news, with the order to suspend the work, take things out and leave the work as it is.”

Eight months have elapsed since the works were stopped due to technical problems and no information was received on the reason for the stop. “Eight months have passed since the closure of the works of the dam, awarded by the Basque Government for the extension of the dam. They said it was going to be a two-month suspension in principle. It was subsequently reported that it would be extended until September.”

The tamborileros have denounced these incidents, as well as the institutional silence received. “It will take a year for the dyke not to be extended in December since we expressed the popular will through a consultation, and fifteen years without a small institutional explanation. It is enough to laugh and mock the neighbours of Mutriku. Finish the dam here and where it is.”

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