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Solidarity with women engraved with a camera hidden in the bathrooms of a bar of Mutilva

  • The feminist movement in the Aranguren Valley has called for women to rise up against this type of violence after a man made recordings in the women’s baths of a bar in Mutiloa.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

03 August 2021 - 07:45
Last updated: 09:49

"We want to show all our support and solidarity to all those women who have been recorded: You're not alone, we're with you! ". This was the first message they wanted to convey in the concentration that took place this afternoon in Mutilva (Bizkaia). Dozens of people have joined the call made by the feminist movement in the Arana Valley.

In this sense, they have stated that violence against women is "structural" and that "all these aggressions must be responded to". "In the face of aggressions, awareness and feminist struggle are our tool, and we will continue to work on it. It is clear that against male violence mobilization and struggle are necessary and we will continue in this, in feminist self-defense! We do not want to be brave, we want to be free! they cried out.

Apart from pointing out that Machista violence has no place in the Aranguren Valley, they have called for "the right to freedom for all" and have called for all resources to be put in place to deal with Machista violence.

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