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The women of the music world respond to Alex Sardui: "There is no more blind than the one who doesn't want to see."

  • Singer Alex Sardui has stated that there was never discrimination in music and women in music from Euskal Herria* have responded with indignation in a statement signed by 150 people: “We have been sick of such situations for a long time.” Sardui apologized for the murder of the 36-year-old girl.
Gatibu kontzertuan. Argazkia: Xabier Cañas / Wikimedia

24 September 2024 - 09:54

“In the music industry there has been no discrimination or I have not seen it. It is true that there are not so many women working, but there has never been discrimination,” said Alex Sardui, in an interview

The answer has been immediate, signed by “feminist women and the dissident identities of Euskal Herria, who work in music”. Sardui’s statements are very serious because “in addition to breaking the reality that many women have experienced,” it completely minimizes the structural obstacles faced by women.” They added that data belies this idea and that gender discrimination in music is a real problem.

Sardui said a few years ago that there were few women* in music, and that also seemed “a lie and a big mistake” to the signatories: “Once again, it is a clear indicator of the lack of interest in the situation of a large percentage of the sector.”

As pointed out in the statement, Sardui pointed out that “it is not discriminatory, that he has not seen it, they are words of someone who is very comfortable”: “And in recent years, just as visibility has been worked out, he is noted for lack of interest and desire to listen to other voices in the music world”.

The communiqué is supported by at least 150 signatories who have signed a document. Among them are Miren Narbaiza, Jone Laspiur, Inés Osinaga, Olaia Inziarte, La Basu, Izaro Andres, Anne Lukin, DJ Pezon, Aiora Renteria, La Furia, Kai Nakai, Anne Salazar, Onintza Rojas, Uxeneritz Barrio

"Sorry, I have made very few statements"

Through a video hung on social media, the singer apologized for the statements she made. "I have made very inadequate statements, out of place. I do not think that and I apologise to all Basque women, especially women who are involved in music. We have been defending women for 25 years and this does not come within my logic."

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