Fines of more than EUR 20,000 and prison sentences of one and a half years will go to the streets in order to show solidarity with the defendants and to stress that the youth struggle is worthwhile. The mobilization will start at 17:30 from Elliptical Square.
Following last year ' s demonstration, seven were arrested in Bilbao. Among them you, Suhar. How did everything happen?
Suhar Txabarri: On 7 May, the demonstration was convened because we were in an emergency situation and the need was seen as a result of youth precariousness and increased life. I went to the demonstration and it was absolutely peaceful. Right at the end, being in the Gardens of Albia, after the speech of the spokesman, the police shot the films and started attacking the people. They began to beat the people indiscriminately and there were the first six detainees. They played quite violently. As a result, the people, following the unjust arrests, decided to go to the police station in Deusto, where the detainees were transferred, for a peaceful demonstration. And there, it was decided to cut off the road peacefully. I arrived right at the last moment, and nothing else started to charge the police. They started violently hitting people, and I started fleeing with fear. I started running up, and on the stairs I got caught by the police, I got thrown to the ground and I got tough. I didn't resist, and they did quite violent. Seven of us were arrested in Bilbao and a total of 60 wounded.
Did you hurt yourself, too?
sports club Yes. I request a medical part. A cop threw me to the ground and put my knee on my head to hold me back. I told them on more than one occasion that I would not be resisting, but yet they did so quite violently. Personally, they were saying everything. They spoke to me very badly, with insults and with much hatred. However, I know that I was not the worst deal.
He was taken to the Deusto police station. Remember how long he was there?
sports club : Up to five or six o'clock in the morning, until you're in and out with the lawyers. Enough time, eight or nine hours in total.
What are you facing in court on 15 June?
sports club : The Prosecutor’s Office has charged us with a fine of EUR 20,000 and a one-year prison. They accuse us of an attack on authority and of injury to the police. In addition, there will be a particular indictment by the police. They are asking us for between EUR 21 and EUR 22,000 and they are asking us for a year and a half prison sentence for each. At first we were also asked for public disorder, but the judge rejected it.
Beyond this case, Ernai denounces that there has been an increase in repression against social movements. What did you notice?
Uxue Iturriondo: We understand that it was not an isolated case. On 7 May Ernai was harassed, but we can see that in cases such as the strikes of Tubacex and Alconza or the feminist movement of the Comarca of Pamplona have experienced cases similar to ours. All this shows that the increase in repression is clear. Indeed, on 12 May we held a round table with SOS Racism, the feminist movement of the Region of Pamplona, Tubacex and a procession of 7 May, with the aim of bringing to light what the porras hide. There we realised the violence, both police and other, that we have suffered in recent years those of us who stand up to defend social rights, and it is clear that this persecution is aimed at us.
They've described the process as a police montage. Is that the case? Why?
sports club : I personally say clearly yes. Because we saw the state of affairs they did to us, and it was absolutely absurd. The injuries that have been charged to each one, the beatings with the police… For example, I have been told that I was throwing stones and objects at a police van right at the time I sat down. I wasn't there, because I arrived at the last moment. And there are police cameras, because we were near the police station. And I think the most terrible case was that one of the detainees was charged with the theft of a charger. They charged him and broke his collarbone. They told him that, after breaking the clavicle, he was stabbing and kicking, even stole a charger and stole a tassel. All this with the broken clavicle.
sports club : We are still preparing things and holding the latest meetings with lawyers, but we do not think there is much room for hope. This police assembly will probably be consecrated. We do, however, greatly appreciate the donations that the community, Ernai and the rest of the people have made to cover the costs of the aid and compensation granted to them in this case.
The motto of that demonstration last year was We are in an emergency situation, which referred to the youth precariousness most taken into account by the pandemic. What is the current situation?
U.I. : Pandemic evidenced both the facial bleaching of a multiple crisis and the daily push towards a cyisheteropatriarchal capitalist system, especially young people. However, even though these evils seem to have been somewhat hidden, we still have them in our lives. There are, for example, the inability to emancipate oneself, the great psychosocial consequences among young people, the right to housing, etc. And we are witnessing an increase in violence on all the social actors that we are fighting against today.
The aim of this weekend’s call is to link the people who are in this judicial process?
U.I. : Yes, that is one of the goals, but another is to show that the youth struggle is worth it, to make it clear that young people are here and that they are not going to stop us. That is why we invite everyone to join the demonstration on 4 June at 17:30 from Eliptika Square.
Would you add something?
U.I. : Reconvene all young people to join the mobilization. The youth struggle is worth it, they won't stop us.
Gasteizko Auzitegiko laugarren aretoak ebatzi du Gasteizko isunak bertan behera uztea, eta Bilboko isun batzuk 2.500 eurotik 1.800era murriztea, "gehiegikeria" egon zela argudiatuta. Ernairen arabera, Segurtasun Sailak "arbitrariotasunez" eta... [+]
In memory of Josu Unanue.
We finish the fall, we are already in the winter. We have lived intensively in recent months in Euskal Herria in general, and in Busturialdea we have also noticed its reflection.
The street, reflecting many expressions, has been bordered to respond to... [+]