The demands of Leyla and other Kurdish fighters are known to Euskal Herritarri, and there have also been many battles here, and they still exist today, with similar demands. We must not forget, for example, the hunger strike of Daniel Dergi between 1999 and 2000, that of Josetxo Arizkuren which lasted 56 days, or that of Iñaki De Juana Chaos and Lorentxa Gimon which took place years later. Nor will we forget the hunger and hygiene strikes that in 1981 led to Long Kesh and Maze, Irish fighters such as Bobby Sands. The list is long, it has no interruptions and we cannot understand them just as passages of the past.
On the other hand, the situation does not change too much. Jesús Santrich, one of the leaders of the peace negotiations between the FARC-EP and the Colombian State, has been in prison since 9 April 2018. To denounce this police assembly, Santrich himself went on hunger strike for 41 days to demand that the United States not be extradited and the peace agreement respected. The Zapatista political prisoners also walk around Hunde to denounce the police assembly against them 6 imprisoned colleagues kidnapped in Chiapas began the hunger strike on 15 March.
We would also like to mention a policy of annihilation that is summed up by a fact, the fact that the Zionist State of Israel’s inexorable oppression of the Palestinian people: In 2018, Israeli occupying forces arrested at least 271 children in Gaza City. Almost every day a child.
But we are going to look home to Europe. Europe appears to be the birthplace of democracy and human rights, freedom and free people. There's something to deny. In Europe, political prisoners are still the result of resistance and many unresolved conflicts: Unionists from Andalusia, Catalan independentists, anti-fascists from Castile, Italy or Greece, or who are fighting neoliberalism with yellow jacket every day and are going to continue.
Prisoners are politicians for fighting this established suffocating system, for arranging that capital should not be drowned by the people. And in these times when neoliberalism is taking action on our lives, resistance and organization must continue if we are to survive. As members of the Middle East often say, resistance is life. And that resistance can only be an answer, because whoever takes it out of order and control will be punished.
That is why, on this international day of political prisoners, we demand aloud freedom for those detained in the darkest dungeons and the overcoming of the political causes of incarceration. Because we all need you free and fighting on the road to building sovereign peoples, political prisoners from the world to the street!
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