This is what the NGO Oil Change International has deduced, data from a study conducted by the British consultancy Data Desk. As explained in the newspaper The Guardian, this consultancy has analysed satellite images to determine the position of oil tankers and compared them with data provided by port authorities and shipyards.
Since October 2023, at least three oil tankers from the American state of Texas have reached the Israeli refineries of Ashod and Haifa, the last on 6 March. That day they saw the boat on the pier of the port of Ashkelon. By then, Israel’s attacks killed 30,000 people in Gaza.
Israel does not produce oil and has no direct pipeline to its territory. Imports from the sea are therefore their main energy supply route.
Precisely, the attacks of the voids in the Red Sea have caused the transport of oil tankers to be significantly reduced to Israel, but it continues to receive large-scale fuel for civilian purposes, but "much of the oil being refined in Israel goes directly to the army," says The Guardian.
Chevron, ExxonMobil, TotalEnergies, BP, Shell...
Data Desk study indicates that behind this supply are large oil producers. A section comes from Azerbaijan, from the BTC pipeline to Turkey, from where they catch by sea. The main shareholder in this pipeline is BP, with TotalEnergies and ExxonMobil as shareholders.
Furthermore, the oil produced in the Brazilian Sea reaches Israel, although the government of Lula da Silva in that country has a very critical attitude towards Netanyahu. Behind this oil are Shell, TotalEnergies and Petrobras.
The Caspian Sea is also an important source of oil for Israel, through the CPC pipeline, in the hands of the Chevron company. Israel also imports low quality Russian fuel oil to the port of Haifa, oil from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, etc.
"The countries that feed Israel's war machinery and the big oil tankers are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people"
"The countries that feed Israel's war machinery and the big oil tankers are complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people," explains Allie Rosenbluth, director of the Oil Chang International program, to The Guardian. Especially EE.UU. will be held accountable for possible violations of international law, which directly provide the Israeli Army."
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Fines) movement, which denounces this complicity, has launched a global campaign against Chevron: "The report will be valuable because it highlights the business accomplices mentioned in it", explains to the British media a member of the BDS.
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