With cases tested and investigated by independent institutions, ECA Global has calculated the amount of cases of pederasty in the church. The reports of the commissions of inquiry at the national level and the data of the judicial investigations and those of the partners within the Church have come to calculate the amount of the victims. The hard work, as the organization’s spokesman, Miguel Ángel Hurtado eldiario.es, pointed out to “very little information available” because “neither the Church nor the majority of States have had the slightest interest in analyzing the scale of the problem.”
Only with the information gathered in the Vatican reports, about 600 abuses committed within the Church are reported each year. If we add to this the denunciations that are made public through the media, the figure exceeds 100,000.
Most of the world’s episcopal conferences do not provide detailed information on abuses occurring in their country. And only in about twelve countries have mechanisms been put in place to reveal the numbers of victims, which would be the first step in helping the abused person. Some countries (e.g. Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United States), others through State commissions of inquiry (e.g. Australia and Canada) or others through judicial inquiries (Chile) have implemented such mechanisms with the cooperation of the ecclesiastical authorities of the country concerned.
Although in some countries it is not yet done, in others the Church provides data. In the U.S., for example, since the Spotlight case, where the Boston Priesthood revealed sexual abuse of minors, the data is collected and made public by bishops. For example, the Pennsylvania Report, which was published shortly, included the collaboration of six dioceses that receive abuse from priests who suffered from more than a thousand minors.
Delitua preskribatuta egonik ere, biktimen aitortza bermatuko du legeak. Nafarroako Gobernuko indarrek aurkeztu dute lege proposamena, eta EH Bildu eta Ezkerraren babesa ere izan du. Navarra Sumak, aldiz, kontra bozkatu du.