Wilmar is the largest palm oil distributor. In 2013, Greenpeace denounced that he is primarily responsible for deforestation in Indonesia, illegal cuts and wildfires.
A year later the company explained that it would launch some pioneering measures: “No to deforestation, no to the destruction of peatlands,” he said. On the contrary, Greenpeace has ensured that it has not complied with any of the commitments made by the company.
According to Greenpeace representative Kiki Taufi, “palm oil can be produced without destroying tropical rainforests. However, Wilmar is dismantling the forests.” He added that major brands such as Unilever, Nestlé and Colgate-Palmolive continue to be Wilmar customers, although customers have been sworn to use sustainable palm oil.
According to the report, the oil industry is destroying habitats: Many species have disappeared in the orangutans of Borneo and 193 are in danger.
Deforestation and the destruction of peatlands are the main causes of climate change, and that is why Indonesia is one of the world’s largest emitters of pollution, along with the United States and China.
Greenpeaceko 22 militante Cruas-Meysseko zentral nuklearrean (Ardècheko departamentuan) sartu dira astearte goizeko seiak aldera, haren segurtasunik eza agerian utzi nahian. Erabilitako erregai erradioaktiboaren biltegietako bateko horman eskegi dute euren burua haietako... [+]
Greenpeaceko hainbat ekintzailek protesta ekintza egin dute Santurtziko portuan, Saudi Arabiara armak bidaltzearen aurka. Arma merkataritzaren ezkutukeria salatu nahi izan dute horrela, baita ohartarazi ere Espainiako Estatuan ez dela legezkoa herritar zibilen aurka erabil... [+]
Espainian opakua da arma esportazioa, eta ezkutukeria hori legediak bermatzen du gainera. Suhiltzaile baten intsumisio keinuari esker jakin genuen Bilboko portutik Saudi Arabiara armak bidali direla, baina normalena bidalketa horiez ezer ez jakitea da. Ez nondik, ez nori, ez... [+]