The conference begins with an exhibition on what the transformative social economy is: "A set of activities organized territorially and collectively to respond to the needs of the community in which we live, placing lives at the centre of economic activity".
He then worked on some of the points in this definition with current examples.
Considering the current particular situation, the following points have been addressed:
"We live the coronavirus crisis in a very violent way, but this is above all an acceleration of the crisis. It's come to us as a health crisis, but one of the first things that has erupted and that coronavirus has made it clear that we have a tremendous care crisis. When we leave here, we will face the management of the health crisis, we will have an economic crisis ahead and we will watch it, exploited". In a short period of time we will find ourselves in a rather bad situation, "and let us be clear that the exit will not be the entry of this crisis." Under no circumstances will we return to the above conditions.
The clash between community and authoritarianism has said: "There is community movement, surveillance networks, solidarity that is organized in the villages or at the other end there is authoritarianism: greater police and military presence... we have two options, or we strengthen and bet on the communities, or actively or passively, we fall into authoritarianism. This moment is key, and anything that is strengthening the community is fighting authoritarianism."
"Really, it's going to touch us to build a world where community and life are at the center of our activity. But reality comes to us on the opposite path. What to do? It seems like a vertigo, but Euskal Herria has demonstrated from socioeconomic projects, from popular construction projects, that we have tools, that we know how to use them, that we have the ability to appropriate our lives and organize ourselves. Let us use it. It's going to be difficult, but either we're going to do it on a community basis, or somebody's going to make decisions on our behalf."
It's a question of starting to make "little things." "A socialization of benefits, we can create resistance boxes... but we will have to create new socio-economic projects. Reality will push us to do more projects in difficult times."
He has put his strength in the following final message: "It has to be a collective way out, a way out that develops by strengthening the community and the public, facing the market and capital. We need Community and socio-economic projects to do this. We'll need a state. Let's start celebrating Euskal Herria, because what is not celebrated does not exist." The last cry of all has been "for life to be better, for prosperity to be for all". ".
Here you can see the whole talk:
Horren arabera, datorren astelehenetik aurrera, orain arte COVID-19ari aurre egiteko neurriak bertan behera geratuko dira Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eskumeneko alorretan. Labi bera ere desegin egingo dute.
That's the summer that we have, and with it the holidays that we usually link to this season, as if they were a reward to everything that has been given throughout the year. And again people want to go away. He wants to be on the famous coast, marvelous nature or the world's... [+]