What is Mundaka Festival? According to its promoters and sponsors, this is a music festival for the tourist attraction of the Basque Country. Tourism, of course, is a good thing. A little bit of tracking and soon we can smell the face B: One of these more stupids is to provide the PNV network. Already with a public subsidy of over €550,000.
The Principal Responsible? Unai Rementeria, Deputy General of Bizkaia and former mayor of Mundaka. Before the award began for the first time, it launched the organizers of the Emankor Network: “Congratulations, Oskar, Amets, it will be wonderful!” Meanwhile, in the village, almost nobody knew anything.
The Diputación de Bizkaia allocates around €110,000 to the privatisation festival, exclusive, sexist, precarious, colonizing, anti-ecological and consumerist. Without any kind of competition, directly to the Fertile Network. A huge advertising machine: good for tourism, good for the economy, good for everyone, emphasizing that it's cool. They're always with the usual midwife.
Avoiding the Coast Law and the rules of the Special Natural Space of Urdaibai, denying access to the most beautiful of the villa for a week. Under the threat of dozens of private vigilantes armed and with propaganda from the well-known brands of alcohol.
"The gestures, the words, the help and the sincere, liberated, generous and creative contribution of many are encouraging. They're beautiful flowers between the puppy."
Typical forms: give a bunch of entrances to others, to party mates, to family members... They want us in return in the uploaded photos to Instagram and in the herd of the promotional videos that they are going to make paying a fortune. A good timo for the poor who pay their tickets! However, as you know more, with a little thought, the people are turning their backs on Mundaka Festival.
Everyone knows in the village: “It’s always been like this, Mundaka City, lawless city,” you will be told. Since 1978, with the absolute majority of the PNV, Mundaka has been increasingly devastated. He was apprehensive of mafia. Apart from a few patches, it is hardly anyone who will publicly defend the corruption of the Mundaka Festival. This year we have touched a small shake in the beautiful and seemingly quiet coastal village of less than 2,000 inhabitants (7,000 in summer) of drowned public debate, but: information posters, pasting and singing; put banners (remove the police). It was “visual pollution,” what democrats! ); An innovative party, Danona Donea, which will be held again in 2019 on July 13; Signatures and Open Assemblies “Ei, Pirata!” now.
Even if it's sometimes daunting that factual thought, that deaf silence, that cowardly turn from the head to the other side, that petty greeting, that ugly murmur -- the gestures, the words, the supports and the sincere, unleashed, generous and creative contributions of some who wake up more hopeful. Beautiful flowers to the caching dira.Mila.
In “Ethics or politics of the gangs of thieves” we seem to be talking about the resistance proposed by Joseba Sarrionandia: “Resistance proposes another ethics and another policy, not for the future, but for the present. And it's not just disagreement or protest. Politics is about starting to change the world in parts.”
To punish small burglars
Everywhere there is a jail;
see big
as you walk ...
* Eleder Aurtenetxe is a member of the Danona Donea group
This news was published by Hordago and we brought it to Euskal Herria thanks to the CC-By-SA license.
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