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69 million trips were paid last year with the Mugi card of Gipuzkoa

  • There were 12 million more payments than in 2022, and in 2023 he has obtained the best data in his history. The women living in Gipuzkoa used the Mugi system the most, especially the use of urban buses. In addition, they have underlined the incorporation into the system of travel to the txalupa of Pasaia and to Loiu airport.
Eluska Renedo eta Azahara Dominguez, Mugiren datuak azaltzeko Donostian emandako prentsaurrekoan. Argazkia: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Mugi, the public transport system in Gipuzkoa, recorded last year “the best year in history”, according to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (DFG). This was stated at a press conference in Donostia-San Sebastian by the Member of Parliament for Mobility, Tourism and Spatial Planning, Azahara Domínguez, and the director of the Territorial Authority for Transport in Gipuzkoa, Eluska Renedo. Note that in 2023 each trip with the Mugi card had a 50% bonus. Of the 83 million trips made in 2023, a total of 69 million trips were paid with the Mugi card, 12 million more than in 2022. As a result, more than eight out of ten passengers used the Mugi card in public transport, which accounted for 82% of travellers. Outside Gipuzkoa, a total of 1.2 million trips were made with the card.

Last year, a total of 92,709 personalized tickets were sold – 8.52% more than in 2022- and 37,764 anonymous cards – 15.5% more than in 2022-. Domínguez has offered Mugi's data from January to May of this year. The first five months of the year have recorded better data than last year, as 17% more tickets have been issued and almost a million more journeys have been made.


Most repeated profile, Gipuzkoan woman

Regarding the users of Mugi, the DFG estimates that six out of ten people were women, in particular 56%. Among the users, 92% live in Gipuzkoa, highlighting the use of urban buses mostly (40%) and more than half (55%) reside in Donostia-San Sebastián or in Donostialdea. The most paid transport company with Mugi was Dbus (36%), followed by Lurraldebus (32%), Euskotren (19%) and Renfe (9%). As for the Mugi youth card, the DFG highlights that it has obtained a total of 75,553 headlines.


Increased transport changes and allowances and reduced loads

They show the evolution of transport changes, allowances and charges. Last year saw the largest number of transfers, namely 5.8 million, 26.63% more than in 2022. Concerning the bonuses, a total of 800,027 have been registered, amounting to EUR 4.1 million.

The number of card surcharges fell “significantly” last year compared to 2022, namely 18%, and 35% compared to 2019. This drop in charges, according to Mr Domínguez, is due to the “bonus policy” promoted by the Spanish Government in September 2022 and comprising the Basque Government and the DFG. In this regard, he stressed that this policy has meant "very important savings" for the families of Gipuzkoa.


User loyalty and growth, the main challenges

Mrs Domínguez has highlighted the major challenges facing Mugi and the achievements that have been achieved in this territory. Among these achievements, in addition to achieving the best data of all time, the “historical requirements” of the Pasaia boat and the Loiu airport, which have been introduced into the Mugi system, which has been a “significant saving” for users, stand out.

For Mugi to develop further, they have pointed to the stabilisation of current users and the challenge of getting more passengers: “We will continue to take steps for Mugi to develop further and thus, in addition to the loyalty of existing users, more and more Gipuzkoans are betting on using our wide public transport network to strive for sustainable, comfortable, safe, competitive and accessible mobility.”

In the coming months, they have stressed that one of the challenges is the implementation of the Virtual Mugi. Furthermore, work is under way to make Mugi a valid instrument throughout the public transport network of the CAV and to "increase interoperability" in the interurban buses of Bizkaia.

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