The Sare Citizens' Network has pointed out that children with backpack live a triple condemnation: not being able to be with their parents on a day-to-day basis, the emergency legislation that applies to their parents, and the thousands of miles they have to travel to see their fathers and mothers for the removal policy. In the context of the pandemic, he has also been saddened: not being able to meet with his father or mother for more than a month. Most children have not seen their parents in prison since February.
SARE explained that in some prisons they have been warned that in August they will not have "family clashes" either. In addition, “at a time when the spectre of new confinements, isolations and measures is increasing, who can assure children that they can go to see their mother in Galicia or play with their father in Córdoba?”
Nature, Irati and Luna
They stressed that the situation of children with backpacks living in prison is particularly serious: “Izadi, Irati and Ilargi are in the prisons of Aranjuez and Picassent. Relatives and cohabitants have not yet been admitted, and they do not know if they will be admitted in August.” Before the pandemic, these children spent the weekends away with their families, “a progressive process essential to strengthen the connection with the street”. Now, those outputs are cut.
They have claimed that Basque prisoners should be in Euskal Herria long ago and that steps must be taken in favour of the solution. “How can we advance in peace or in coexistence by maintaining these situations that have emerged today? It is also essential and urgent to take real steps on the issue of prisoners and exiles.”
Motxiladun haurra izango da Izadi, Maria Lizarraga eta Iñigo Gutierrez euskal presoen alaba. Igandean bete ditu hiru urte, eta legeak hala dioenez, Aranjuezeko espetxetik atera dute urtemuga egunean, amagandik banatuta. Aitarekin elkartu da, Gutierrez ostiralean aske utzi... [+]
Domekan, hilaren 23an, Iñigo Gutierrez (Algorta) eta Maria Lizarraga (Burlata) presoen alaba den Izadik hiru urte beteko ditu eta, ondorioz, gurasoengandik banatzera behartuko dute. Hori salatzeko, Izadi Gurasoekin Etxera ekimenak manifestazioa egingo du Algortan, Txiki... [+]
X Xua da. Xua Lasagabaster Uranga.
X Olatz da. Olatz Lasagabaster Anza. Amatxo.
X Patxi da. Patxi Uranga Salbide. Aitatxo.
X Mari Karmen da. Mari Karmen Anza Suberbiola. Amona Mari Karmen.
X Usurbil da. Orio da. Zarautz da. Euskal Herria.
X Picassenteko espetxea da... [+]