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The Moriarti also have the Gold drum

  • The Donostiarra producer consists of Aitor Arrangi, Jon Garaño, Jose Mari Goenaga, Asier Acha and Xabier Berzosa.
Sara Ibarguren / Irutxuloko Hitza
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The producer, founded in 2001, has produced five fictional feature films, three film documentaries, more than a dozen short films, several television documentaries and a series. He has also participated in numerous international festivals and won over 450 awards. Among the awards they have received are twelve Goya awards and 31 nominations, two nominations for the Oscar, the Silver Shell to the best director of the San Sebastian Festival, the award for the best script, the FIPRESCI prize and the jury's special prize, the Forque award for the best film, an EFA prize, a platinum prize and the Sant Jordi prize.

Selected films include titles such as Lucio (2007), LOREAK (2014), Handia (2017), The Infinite Trench (2019) or Marco (2024). In addition, last year a series was held on the fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga, who has already passed.

Emotional act

Yesterday, San Sebastian Day, the Municipal Band of txistularis opened the act, at 12:30 hours, and after the first words of presenter Aitziber Fernández, the drums and barrels of the Artisan Union have followed their target. Mayor Eneko Goia has been the next to take the floor and, first of all, he has asked all those who filled the municipal boardroom to "close their eyes" and read a scene from the Cristóbal Balenciaga series, composed of Moriarti, in which coco Chanel and Balenciaga dine together, recorded in the municipal boardroom.

Next, the mayor has reviewed the close relationship that the members of the producer have had and have with Donostia, reviewing their film career. Goia also referred to his way of working: “You’ve found the key for your movies to come, connect and get excited. A sincere, accurate, sensitive, aesthetic, but also very ethical look. And also, you've done it in a very Gipuzkoan way. Doing a silent job, but doing a lot of work. No noise and no ambition. In addition, and this is what characterizes you, you work as a team.”

GOIA has also highlighted the importance of collecting the Gold drum: “Being the Gold Drum of San Sebastian is a great recognition and you have to be proud and celebrate it. But at the same time it is a great responsibility. Because, from now on, you officially become ambassadors of the city. From that moment on, the city that distinguishes you and recognizes you asks you to continue doing what you have done throughout your career: to talk about it, to show it in your movies and, why not, I dare to dream, perhaps to become a protagonist someday. Therefore, I think you have to bring this drum with pride, with your style, also in this case quite Gipuzkoan, humble, without much noise, but with the awareness that the rise of the Oro drum unites you forever with this city.”

The mayor has also finished his speech by making a nod to the San Sebastian Film Festival: “Today you will receive the Golden Drum here. It is not the only hallmark associated with this precious metal provided by this city. I hope that José Luis Rebordinos will not get angry, but, in view of your trajectory and quality, I hope that one day some of your films will deserve that other award more linked to your profession, the Golden Shell.”

Following the screening of a video in which Moriarti was recognized, Jorge Gil Munarriz, a writer of the beginnings of Moriarti, took the word. The producer has reviewed her career since its inception and the five members of the producer have received, excited, the city's top award. With the Golden drum in hand, the dantzaris of the dance group Kukai Alain Maya and Mairi Castaño, accompanied by the Txistularis, have danced the Honor counterpart.

Five members, five interventions

The five members of Moriarti have taken the word “very grateful”. They have taken the opportunity to review their trajectory, but they have not only guided the film of Euskal Herria, recognizing the work of small producers and the most tireless workers.

Jon Garaño has been the last to speak and has taken the opportunity to thank the relatives of the five, Gil Munárriz, who initially worked with them, the mayor, the board of municipal spokesmen, the councillors, “who presented the candidature or those who had it” and “the people of Donostia”.

Without leaving aside the solemnity, but without forgetting that San Sebastian Day is a party above all, Fernández has closed the act with a cry from “Gora Donostia” and all together they have finished singing the march of San Sebastian and Ixil-ixilik dago.

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