According to Erick Motta, a university research student, “there are guidelines that say the herbicide isn’t painful, but we’ve seen that that’s a lie.” The result of the investigation has shown that: “Bees have eight healthy bacteria in their gut and have the role of protecting them from bad bacteria. Because of glyphosate, half of the healthy bacteria lose their function.”
Glyphosate is a herbicide that was created 37 years ago by the multinational Monsanto, the main producer of genetically modified seeds and whose products are marketed in Spain. According to a study conducted by the Global Research Center, “from the moment of its creation, Monsanto is aware of the consequences of glyphosate”.
Specifically, California justice has condemned Monsanto to pay a fine of $289 million. Since 1984 there have been suspicions about the damage caused by glyphosate, but the multinational has been fined for the first time in August this year.
Greenpeaceko kideak Dakota Acces oliobidearen aurka protesta egiteagatik auzipetu dituzte eta astelehenean aztertu du salaketa Dakotako auzitegiak. AEBko Greenpeacek gaiaren inguruan jasango duen bigarren epaiketa izango da, lehenengo kasua epaile federal batek bota zuen atzera... [+]
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The restoration of the natural characteristics of the beach of Waukee began three decades ago and continues without interruption in the staged restoration to counterclockwork.
Samuel (Bizkaia) is an exceptional space, very significant from the natural and social point of view... [+]
The update of the Navarra Energy Plan goes unnoticed. The Government of Navarre made this public and, at the end of the period for the submission of claims, no government official has explained to us what their proposals are to the citizens.
The reading of the documentation... [+]