MODELA, the machine translation system between Basque and Spanish is now available. It has been developed from the most innovative artificial intelligence technique in recent times: Neural Machine Translation (NMT).
“So far we have found a way to apply this advanced technique in the translation systems among the main languages with texts in Basque,” said Itziar Cortes and Igor Ellakuria, responsible for the Translation Technologies of Elhuyar and MondragonLingua and MODELA.
In machine translation systems, the rich morphology and other characteristics of Euskera limited the quality of the results, while in systems based on neural networks, this limit has been exceeded and the linguistic technologies of Euskera have been equated to other languages.
Automated translators based on neural networks offer great fluidity compared to systems we already knew before. “In the case of the Basque Country, MODELA offers never seen quality translations. For the first time, we have been opened to the practical use of an automatic translator in Basque,” added MODELA leaders.
I have experienced two very different linguistic experiences in two southern peoples in recent weeks. One at a conference organized by a public institution of a Basque people and another at a school assembly. If we were at the conference more than 80 people, I would say that 90%... [+]
Ekain honetan hamar urte bete ditu Pasazaite argitaletxeak. Nazioarteko literatura euskarara ekartzen espezializatu den proiektuak urteurren hori baliatu du ateak itxiko dituela iragartzeko.
Many publishers rejected the book "The Glass Bell," because they understood it to be a barn and a bit light. It was first published in 1963 with the nickname Victoria Lucas. The glass bell could be a novel, but since it is a story very close to the author's life we could say that... [+]