Following the condemnation of four years in prison and ten years of disqualification of the young Galder Barbado and Aitor Zelaia by the National Court, the citizens' initiative Stop Evictions has called for mobilizations for the coming days.
In a widespread reading, the organizers called on the public to take part in a public hearing on Thursday: It will be at 17:00, in the Plaza de los Fueros of the capital of Alavesa.
On Saturday, demonstrations will be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Amurrio, as well as in the towns of Zelaia and Barbado. Later on, the format of these will be specified, but for the moment an appeal is made to "keep the date".
In addition, they have encouraged citizens to "make gestures of solidarity and support at local and local level".
Along with the opening of the calls, a first assessment of the sentence has been made from Stop to Violence: "We will continue until all possible avenues are exhausted, either by means of legal redress or by solidarity, support and denunciation in the streets of Euskal Herria."
In the meantime, they have regretted that the daily life of Barbado and Zelaia continues to be conditioned, pending what the evolution of the case can bring.
Regarding the merits of the judgment, they denounce that the National Court "has used a mere statement of the servants with presumption of truthfulness and a promising line of research that they have not been able to sustain".
"The judgment only confirms what has been denounced in recent weeks. It has been a compromise and a political action, which has been tried in a court of emergency. It is not a simple attack on two young Alaveses, but a planned attack that seeks to dismantle the desires, desires and dreams of an entire people. Faced with this, we reaffirm ourselves on the road we have embarked upon: solidarity and mutual support. That's the highest value this country has shown for decades," they've concluded.
🚨ADI! Demonstrations will take place on Saturday in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Amurrio. On Thursday (🚫 -4) at 17:00 at the Plaza de los Fueros.
✊ATENTXS! Saturday mobilizations in Gasteiz and Amurrio. On Thursday (4-F) popular appearance at Plaza Fueros.
Learn more soon.#ANkerkidetza STOP
— Ankerkidetza Stop (@ANkerkeriaSTOP) February 3, 2021
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