In April 2016, five people were arrested by the Ertzaintza on the UPV/EHU campus of Leioa during a demonstration against repression. They will be tried on 27 September, seven years later. In total, the prosecution claims compensation of EUR 45,000 and a prison sentence of 40 years. In particular, he has asked two pupils seventeen years, another two years and the fifth and a half years. He is accused of public disorder, attack, material damage and injury.
On 5 Leioa, the Askatasuna platform in the video, explains that they were held "arbitrarily" and that another fifteen students were injured by police forces.
In this demonstration, they denounced that the UPV/EHU responded with repression to the "growth of the student movement". In addition, they placed five demands on the rectorate "towards the improvement of fighting conditions at the university level": Dismiss the measures against the students involved in San Mamés, Leioa and Vitoria as a result of the different actions and solve the situations, adopt the definitive measures to prevent the entry of the Ertzaintza in the UPV/EHU and eliminate the police forces existing in the campus.
The platform and the accused call for mobilisations: "They stopped us for fighting a collective problem. We must also collectively respond to political repression against us, because solidarity and organization are our strength."
Days and hours of mobilisation
They announce mobilizations to demand the freedom of Leioa 5. The protests will take place in the counties of the defendants and on the campus of Leioa, as well as before the courts of Bilbao on 27 September, the same day of the trial.
This Saturday will be the first mobilization in Altsasu / Alsasua at 18:00. Next Thursday, 21 September, will be held at the UPV/EHU campus of Leioa at 13:00 hours, convened by Ikasle Abertzaleak. Other mobilisations will take place on 23 September: Baiona at 11:00, Estella at 12:00, Altsasu / Alsasua at 13:00 and Pamplona and Portugalete at 19:00. It is convened at 9:00 on the day of trial to go to court.
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