Disproportionate prices for the Community tax to be paid or for water and gas, disregard for the word of neighbours, unstable rental contracts, a neighbour at risk of eviction... These are mainly the conditions that people living on Eskalantegi 45 street in Pasai Antxo (Gipuzkoa) must endure. Yesterday the neighbours and the Housing Union of Oarsoaldea made a hearing in which they reported the situation.
The houses of this portal are for social rent and are managed by Alokabide. Once there, the "concern" of the residents has been growing due to excessive prices, poor conditions and the unfortunate and indifferent management of Alokabide, responsible for social housing".
For example, even in the case of social housing, residents must pay disproportionate community fees, even though they know that at any time they may refuse to renew the rental contract and that their situation may worsen.
Furthermore, it was explained at the hearing that in order to have basic resources such as water and gas, they have to pay enormous prices. This has led them to accumulate "unpayable debts." For example, in order to have hot water or heating in households, neighbours have to pay several intermediary companies facing quarterly bills of about EUR 1,000. Furthermore, the neighbours of Eskalantegi have denounced that they are not the only ones suffering this situation: the neighbours of other portals of official protection of the Commonwealth pay similar prices.
As in the other Commonwealth OPVs, each housing block has one vote. Therefore, in official decisions taken on their houses, they can only intervene by means of a vote per portal, "condemning their word to be null".
And not only that: a neighbour of Eskalantegi 45 risks being expelled from his house. Alokabide himself wants to evict himself and not to put pressure on the person.
Neighbours and the Oarsoaldea Housing Union have pointed out Alokabide as guilty and responsible for this whole situation. In this way, Alokabide has demanded that Alokabide take action against the problems they have reported. "In short, Alokabide is the one who does business with other companies and is responsible for the misery of the neighbors," they said.
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