Why did you start the project? What deficiencies did you see?
Eneko Urkiaga: We didn't just come to fill a vacuum. The structural poverty of the working class is exacerbated in times of crisis, and at that time, above all, the cruelty of this system is observed. We are increasingly being denied access to basic means of life (housing, food, light…) and we see the need to launch projects that study and modify integrity to respond to it. Therefore, although we respond to an existing need, the objective of this project is to contribute, through awareness and organization among workers, to the process of overcoming the capitalist whole that generates this misery.
What do they offer?
Anthony Alulima: Start creating a basis for the organization of workers in the face of the poor access of the working class's most impoverished cove to commodities, quality and food. And for this, we see the need to start from a logic of rights and duties, based on collective commitment. Therefore, the recipients of food are also converted into ‘redeemers’. That is, they also participate in the searches and other works. The objective is to understand that in order to fundamentally change the misery of all we need a collective commitment, and only to improve the concrete situation of each does not serve to change the overall situation.
How is the answer being?
A.A. In general, we have had a good answer; the number of members is increasing. However, it is often difficult to overcome the commercial logic and to organize and operate under the principle of solidarity. Unfortunately, we are all used to operating through exchange relationships and the warehouse project allows everyone involved to transform these principles.
Is there an increasing need for such projects?
E.U. : Yes, it is observed that the working class is going to have more and more difficulties in satisfying living conditions, so access to basic needs is going to be increasingly difficult for more people. Then we see that the need for these projects is going to grow, but as long as they make a firm commitment to overcoming the ‘state of affairs’, otherwise we would be perpetuating this injustice.
Do you not think that the public administration ‘benefits’ from the creation of citizen support networks?
E.U. : Yes, if it was an aid network. But our motivation is not to help the State to save the money it should spend on it, because the State is a collective political apparatus of the bourgeoisie, an accomplice and an impeller of misery, no savior of anyone. It is important to see what kind of power each project or dynamic feeds. We place our model of accumulation of forces precisely on the path of overcoming capitalist power: through work to meet the needs, we join forces on the path to a society in which these needs will not exist.
How do you organize yourself?
A.A. There is a central group that deals with the day-to-day storage and a network that is committed to carrying out different types of tasks. Through this network, for example, weekly food and product collection takes place in Eroski and Dian. On the other hand, all members of this network are entitled to a basket of food at the end of this month.
How many volunteers are there in the project? And how many do you provide the service?
E.U. : We make no distinction between the recipients and the service providers. We don't understand by service what we do, because service is what someone does for others. In our case, it is the work of all and all that allows us to eat at the end of the month. Therefore, we all have a duty to be volunteers and the right to the basket. At the moment, some 40 people need to pick up commodities. If we count all the members of the network, we're about 60 people in the project.
What should the person who needs help do to get in touch with you?
E.U. : You can call 688 75 64 91 or write by WhatsApp. Understanding the project and in accordance with the principles, you can be a member of the network.
During the summer, we will not be satisfied with one's hunger. What does it consist of?
A.A. The objective is to denounce the capitalist misery that generates the need to socialize and socialize the warehouse project. Our goal is to increase the number of members of the network. Because the more there is, the more organizational capacity and, therefore, the more political force increases.
You will also run a subscription campaign. What do you want to get with subscriptions?
A.A. With the subscriptions we want to respond to the regular expenses of the warehouse with an amount of money that will be regular. It opens up the possibility of sharing the evolution of the warehouse with the subscriptions. There are different ways to participate.
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