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See Aranoa leaves his seat in the Parliament of Navarre

  • Miren Aranoa has resigned his seat in the Parliament of Navarra as the representative of EH Bildu in the Parliament of Navarra. The decision will be taken on 28 August and the TSJPV Criminal Chamber. In this sense, he stated that the causes of the renunciation of institutional activity "are nothing but personal". "I look forward to my new phase. In the end, I will join my two main vocations: teaching and politics," he wrote on Twitter. Aranoa is a Professor and Career Officer of the Government of Navarra, after overcoming the oppositions.
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26 August 2020 - 11:12
Miren Aranoa eta Bakartxo Ruiz EH Bilduko hautetsiak Foru Legebiltzarrean. (Arg.: EH Bildu)

Miren Aranoa will maintain his current responsibility within Eusko Alkartasuna, as the territorial coordinator of Navarra, as reported by EA in a press release. Aranoa has reiterated his commitment to EH Bildu because it is "the best tool for social change and the most effective tool that exists in Navarra". The EA coordinator in Navarre will continue “to make the best possible contribution to moving towards a more feminist, plural and sustainable society, with greater social justice”. To this end, he will work to strengthen EH Bildu as a "coalition of diverse character that integrates all leftist, progressive and abertzal sensibilities of Navarre".

He has received many messages of thanks on social media for the work done in Parliament by politicians from different groups with whom he has worked. Among its members, Bakartxo Ruiz said that "what he has lived in common in Parliament has been immense": "Mate and friend. A big kiss." Patri Perales also thanks him for what he has done: "Thank you very much for your work and good luck in your new journey" As far as the other groups are concerned, Koldo Martínez has written the following: "It's been a pleasure to work with you, Look! A gigantic hug! ". "A hug, look!" It's been a pleasure to be with you in a moment of my life", by Ainhoa Aznárez, by Podemos. "A hug, look. It's been a pleasure to share moments with you," Inma Jurio (PSN).

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