The project mobilizes more than 8,000 people both in-person and online. The organizers explained this in the presentation of the project: “A person who does well in Euskera meets with a group of people who want to improve their language level and speak about various issues in the time they share. The frequency is usually weekly.”
This project, which has been 30 years old, has underlined that it must still be an opportunity today to remain attractive, to transform, adapt and evolve. “In times of pandemic, Mintzapraktika jumped into the net, which broke the borders and opened the possibility of practicing Euskera to Euskaltzales scattered around the world. Little by little, the project has been meeting other needs and conquering new areas, with the intention of reaching an increasingly diverse audience,” they added.
The organizers of Mintzapraktika wanted to highlight the contribution that the project makes to the use of the Euskara in the Basque Country. In fact, they say that many people help them to assimilate the dictionary, gain security and scare fears; little by little encouraging them to use the Basque language in their daily lives.
Anyone interested in joining mintzapraktika projects may contact the local association or Euskaltegi to find out about existing groups or to propose new groups. Otherwise, on the page there is also the possibility to register.
It is not Christmas, however, there will soon be decorations in the big shops to announce it, or at least they say so. In the shop window “Zorionak! Claims like “Gabon ederra passes!” will be exposed everywhere. However, congratulations can be many: the lottery, bringing a... [+]
Badira sei-zazpi urte kartzelan dauden presoek euskara ikasteko duten eskubidea bermatzeko helburuarekin, lanean aritu den euskara-irakasleen sare bat: Presoen Euskara Irakasleen Taldea.