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Let's talk about fascism.

In 1998, the great writers and analysts Heinz Dieterich and Noam Chomsky wrote the book Let’s Talk About Terrorism to publicise genuine terrorism and to highlight the misuse and malicious use of the word by the power and the media. On this occasion, my intention would also be to try to write something about true fascism…

And that is that I am passionate about both the fascist attitudes and the people who suffer them. I find it increasingly difficult to remain silent or still about their attitudes: that sad obligation to impose them on others, the belief that they are more than others, lack of respect, the use of violence, threats… Everything that is different from them (and almost always weaker), such as homosexuals, women, other races, people living in poverty, other languages, people with disabilities, people alone, other victims, etc. There are more and more examples, closer and closer.

Some, trying to justify in some way the movement of fascism, often say that they are issues and terms of the past. Unfortunately, it seems to me that we are dealing with a serious problem which, in addition to the past, is also borne in mind.

There are still countries/governments that cannot break with their near past, the fascist. Or those who don't want to interrupt. We can form a long list: The Spanish State, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland or Israel itself, which has gone from being one of the main victims of fascism to being one of the highest exponents of fascism.

"That's the worst thing that can happen to us. Gradual uprooting of fascist positions, indirect acceptance, any justification"

In the case of the Spanish State, it is evident that it still depends on structures of power that do not break with the Franco, although in the books we are sold that the Franco was finished a long time… None of the people responsible for the Franco has been tried, there has been no request for forgiveness, and today there are followers of those who had the first power giving orders… From one day to the other, it is Europe…

In addition to these obvious cases, there is a great power that has been driving or supporting fascist regimes for decades. Always under the name and flag of democracy… Yes, I speak of EE.UU.… It's an endless list of coups and fascist dictatorships, of wars designed and ignited, or invasions that they protect.

Considered as symbols of civilisation, freedom and democracy, in practice, following at all times their economic interests, breaking down, reinforcing fascism whenever necessary… How many millions of innocent people are responsible for the murder? When will these killings be judged by anyone? Where is the international community? Why do we close our eyes to each other's attacks and warn against each other? How do some powerful few have such impunity?

“Human rights should start from home,” E. told us. Galeano in the masterpiece The Book of Hugs. The same is true of fascism: fascist attitudes start from the “house”. And when I say “house”, I mean the house, the school, the village pediment, the rock, the workplace...

Because when we talk about fascist positions, we represent something distant, a group of ultra-right rapes with signs of svástica or a series of historical events seen in films… Unfortunately, we can see the shadow of fascism much closer than we think, from the hand of people closer than we would like, whether it be secret or private. I've been met with them since I was very young. In our own people. And as a result of several events this year, they are still rooted in some similar behaviors…

Those who only see a smile on you eat them inside; those who are willing to step on others to achieve their goal; those who live under envy; those who reverse the motto Live and let live, those who humiliate everything that is different, those who, by majority, oppose the minority under the protection of the platoon...

This type of behavior can be observed in the population of different ages. It can also be observed in the vocabulary that we use until we reach a point of normality: Págalo, Bollera, Marimacho, machupichu, Moro, Puto negro, perroflauta, guarra, starved to death...

And as a society, that's the worst thing that can happen to us. I have a progressive attachment to fascist positions, even if it is indirectly accepted, no justification whatsoever. Our ancestors fought hard against fascism, many on the battlefield… We cannot be so comfortable now… We cannot act as if nothing happened. We cannot regard fascist positions as normal. Doing nothing against fascism is not the solution. This type of action must be tackled. And in that sense, it is clear that we have a lot of work ahead of us. And it's hard, because it usually causes collateral damage and requires a strong personality. But there is no other way.

For once, let us stop covering our eyes, put ourselves in front of the “house” mirror and talk about fascism.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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