With Saturday's action at the barracks in the Irala neighborhood, #Bota Kuartela has called for the disappearance of all the quarrels and armies. Once again, they propose to redirect these spaces to neighborhood projects that protect them from “real threats”, such as inequality, poverty or lack of access to health and education.
The Irala district of Bilbao has become the scene of the performances performed by the #Bota Kuartela Asanblada Assembly on December 28, coinciding with the Innocent Day. The military at the headquarters of the Bilbao Military Government have “abandoned” their position and hung their boots on the fence, suggesting that they withdraw. At the same time, two people have been chained to the doors and have called for the barracks to become a space for the use of the neighbours.
The initiative has surprised the neighbours, who have seen uniformed people parade, solemnly, giving way to citizenship. He has also taken up various statements by Officer Severino Ala Guerra, as well as the facts that have combined irony and denunciation: "It's time to hang the boots and let the neighborhood decide," the official said at a press conference.
According to the Assembly, the goal of parody is to make visible the need for projects that address real problems such as inequality, poverty or lack of health and education. Next Tuesday, 13, there will be a referendum on the future of space in which several motions for resolutions will be tabled.
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