Washington and many other cities in the United States have protested about the right to abort on Saturday. More than 3,000 people have gathered in the capital, according to the organizers, and hundreds of others estados.Esta Women's March has been organized annually by Donald Trump since he won the 2016 presidential election. This year he has had a specific claim: to reject the Supreme Court ruling that has annulled the protection of interstate abortion rights.
A 1973 Supreme Court ruling protected the right to abortion at the U.S. level. However, the decision taken by the Supreme this year empowered each State to legislate on reproductive rights. Since then, thirteen of the 50 states in the United States have reduced their abortion conditions and one in three women is not entitled to it.
Next November, the central elections for the renewal of the two Chambers of Congress will be held, which will be the first since the judgment of the Supreme. According to various American media, the results could be decisive, in a context in which the right to abortion is in the hands of each state. In this sense, they have screamed at the Capitol of Washington that they will "not go back" to the Supreme's ruling.
Right to abortion is currently banned in Alabama, Arkansas, South Dakota, Idaho, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia, according to data from the Center for Reproductive Rights.
A few weeks ago we heard Trump in the televised debate on the existence in his country of democratic states that authorize abortion after the birth of his son.
Judging by the character, it seems an absurd and improvised idea, but that same falsehood was heard in 2019 by Adolfo... [+]
Abortuaren eskubidea Frantziako konstituzioan sartu da aste honetan. Baina abortatzeko eskubidea ez da gaur goizeko afera. Jadanik 1970. hamarkadaren hasieran mugimendu azkarrak izan ziren eskubide horren erdiesteko Ipar Euskal Herrian.
Espainiako Estatuan Abortuaren aurkako lobbyak Abortuaren Legea erausteko beste saiakera bat egiten ari dira Gaztela eta Leonen. Hango gobernukide den Vox-ek iragarri du abortatu nahi duten emakumeei fetuaren taupadak entzunarazi edota ekografiak ikusaraziko dien protokoloa... [+]
This provocator against abortion wears a large wooden cross with a well-known Francoist motto written to show “in procession” that an ultra group wanted to do until the Askabide clinic last May in Donostia. This claim has been used by the sectors of Vox and the extreme right... [+]