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Thousands of people demand the freedom of Paul Hasel in the mobilizations called by the Socialist Movement

  • Last weekend GKS and their respective Socialist Councils called for mobilisation to denounce Pablo Hasel's imprisonment and to demand "total amnesty". Thousands of people have come to the streets "in defence of the political freedoms of the proletariat". The Pamplona/Iruña Municipal Police did not finish yesterday the mobilisation and was forcefully launched against the protesters, who were arrested at least two people.
Manifestazioa Tolosan. (Arg.: Gedar) Manifestazioa Tolosan. (Arg.: Gedar)
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

22 February 2021 - 10:30

The Socialist Gazte Koordinadora and the Local Socialist Councils also organised mobilizations this weekend to denounce Pablo Hasel's imprisonment and to claim "a total amnesty" for political reprisals. Fifteen localities have welcomed the mobilizations called by the Socialist Movement and thousands of people have taken the street "in defense of the political freedoms of the proletariat".

GKS stressed that the "bourgeois model of democracy" permanently attacks the fundamental freedoms of the proletariat and explained that harassment of Hasel is "a clear example of the elimination of fundamental rights".

Two detainees in Pamplona/Iruña

The demonstration yesterday also took place in Pamplona/Iruña (Navarra), convened by the collective of GKS of the Region. GKS members have explained that the police presence in the Casco Viejo was "suffocating" from the very beginning. The Foral Police and the National Police prevented the protesters from reaching the end of the tour, by wailing them with all their forces. After that, there were incidents in the Old Party, in the Rotonda and in the Chantrea. Police arrested at least two people.

Regarding the events in Pamplona, GKS denounces "the disfigurement and criminalization of mass media": "It is clearer than ever the role they are playing to whitewash the ruling class [...] and criminalize young workers".

More mobilizations in Basque Country

In addition to the mobilizations organized by the Socialist Movement, in recent days there have been more mobilizations in the Basque Country to denounce Hasel's imprisonment. This weekend, for example, a demonstration was held in Bilbao (Bizkaia) convened by Bilbao Antifascist and in Beasain (Gipuzkoa) a mobilization convened by the Gazte Asanblada de Ordizia, the Gaztetxe de Beasain and the Gazte Asanblada de Zaldibia.

In the following photos of Gedar you can see the mobilizations of Durango and Azpeitia. And in the bottom, the incidents with the police after the demonstration in Pamplona/Iruña.




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Eguneraketa berriak daude