Internally with the ceasefire agreement, the Israeli army has opened the Netzarim corridor. After almost a year of exile, thousands of Palestinians have embarked on a deep emotional journey to their homes. Trump has proposed the displacement of Gazans to Egypt and Jordan, arguing that the area is completely destroyed and that there is a need to "clean up."
The Israeli army has opened the way after Hamas has declared that it will release a number of Israeli prisoners in the coming days. The opening of the Netzarim corridor at 07:00 (local time) on Monday has allowed the movement of Palestinians living in northern Gaza.
Hama celebrates his return to Gaza as a “victory” and a sign of the struggle against the occupation. He points out that the return is a sign of “greatness and resilience” in the face of a profound “mourning and tragedy.”
Northern Gaza has been one of the areas most targeted by Israel, and most of the housing and infrastructure is now destroyed. This is the first time that people have been able to return home after many months. They will find the houses demolished and the area destroyed. However, Hama has stated that the return is a sign of the failure of the Israeli occupation and displacement.
U.S. President Donald Trump has made a proposal for Palestine on Sunday. Arguing that Gaza is devastated and that “cleansing” is essential, he proposes the displacement of one and a half million Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan, creating short-term or permanent residences in these countries.
Trump’s approach has garnered the support of several far-right Israeli members. Israeli Finance Minister Berdel Smotrich said that “practical solutions” are needed to achieve peace and security.
Hamas denounces Trump’s proposal as “dangerous” and “contrary to the rights of the Palestinians.” Egypt and Jordan have made it clear that they will not tolerate the displacement of Palestinians and have declared that they cannot oppose the lives of Palestinians.
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