For those who wish, from the morning of Navarra Day, the market will start at 09:00 hours and at the ikastola near the market they will offer a breakfast at the company of the txaranga Kuxkuxtu. Parade of dancers from different locations, ciantes, Larrain-dantza, txarangas, gaiteros… thousands of euskaltzales will take a new and definitive melody. In the laughs of the organizers, this year "beyond folklorism", claims the legitimacy of the Basque: "In addition to language, houses and peoples are killing us and turning us into folklore, after all, into museums. The holiday house can be a beautiful stone immobile state, which opens two or three times a year to sunbathe."
The Basaizea association has prepared a comprehensive programme that focuses on the Basque culture and the Basque culture. There will be concerts by Kiki Bordatxo, Cumbian Bero and Belako, among others, and DJ Uzkuluze will occupy the last part of the night.
In addition to the great day on Sunday, the eve, on April 27, our Ai Juanete will offer a musical theatre at the Biletxe de Baigorri and on May 1, the poetry recital Mejillon Tigre at the Hotel Elgenia de Rosa.
9:00 - Market in Plaza del Alto
9:00 - Snack with Kuxkutu.
11:00 - Parade from Plaza de la Baja. Ortzadar Dantza Taldea, Eskiula Dantza Taldea and Otsagabiako Dantza Taldea, palista, basaldunak, Zigantes de Navarra and Baigorri, trikitilaris, txistularis, gaiteros, Uztaritz Txaranga, Ezquela.
11:30 - Act in the Church Square.
12:00 - Word Bas. Irrintzine.
13:00 - Dance of the era and jumps.
14:00 - Food of the Ikastola in Plaza Xoko.
In the afternoon, at Plaza Baja: Rakatapuntk eletrotxaranga, Gaitisan Txaranga, Eletrotxaranga de Eletrotxoron and Txaranga Tukutuku, all day.
Haur Txoko: swollen, wooden games, dyed face... 17:00 Clown Pontx and 18:00 Circus Spectacular.
15:00 - Bertso saioa musikatua with the bertsolaris Amets Arzallus, Xabat Illarregi, Ane Labaka and Miren Amuriza. Eneko Sierra and Beñat Antxustegi together with Amaia Castorene and Xalbat Alzugaray.
16:30 - Spectacular dance.
17:30 - Kiki Bordatxo.
20:00 - Cumbian Bero.
22:30 - Candle.
00:00 - Dj Uzkuluz.
Otsailaren 28an Hendaian eman dio hasiera kanpainari Herri Urratsek. Euskararen transmisioa bermatzen duen Seaska babestea da helburua.
Gukak “Bilbo erdalduntzen duen makina” ikusaraziko du kanpainaren bidez. 24 orduz martxan dagoen makina salatuko dute, eta berori “elikatu eta olioztatzen dutenek” ardurak hartzea eskatuko dute. Euskararen aldeko mekanismoak aktibatzea aldarrikatuko dute.
Hamahiru ZirHika kide batu dira hitanoaren erabilera aldarrikatzeko eta antolakundearen ekintzen berri emateko. Azalpenak Badihardugu elkarteko Idoia Etxeberria eta Galtzaundiko Uxoa Elustondok egin dituzte. Horiei, Andoni Egaña eta Amaia Agirre bertsolariak eta... [+]
Gabonetako argiak pizteko ekitaldia espainolez egin izanak, Irungo euskaldunak haserretzeaz harago, Aski Da! mugimendua abiatu zuen: herriko 40 elkarteren indarrak batuta, Irungo udal gobernuarekin bildu dira orain, alkatea eta Euskara zinegotzia tarteko, herriko eragileak... [+]
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
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Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]